Irving Hall
Price: $1.50
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
27 July 2015
“Signors Antonio and Ettore Barili, beg to announce their Grand Annual Concerts for the above evenings, on which occasions they will be assisted by their pupils. The celebrated pianist, Mr. Alfred H. Pease, the young pianist, Master Alfred Barili (only ten years of age,) who will make his debut, and ‘Barili’s Philharmonic Society.’ In consequence of the difficulty of obtaining tickets from the pupils at previous concerts last season, the Barili Brothers have acceded to the request of their friends, and the tickets will be disposed of publicly, and can be obtained at the Barili Brothers’ residence. . . .Full programmes on Monday.” Gives price.
“Signors Antonio and Ettore Barili’s Concert at Irving Hall. This evening will be one of unusual interest, as many new candidates for lyric and concert fame will be introduced to the public. The Brothers Barili will be assisted by their most promising pupils—Antonio’s Philharmonic Society, which forms an admirable chorus; Mr. Alfred Pease, the well-known and popular pianist; and Master Alfred Barili (son of Ettore, the baritone,) who will make his debut on this occasion as a pianist, having arrived at the ripe age of ten years. The previous pupils of Mr. Antonio Barili have made their mark in the musical world. We need only cite Miss Morensi, Mrs. Van Zandt, and Miss Frida de Gebels, and much is expected from the new comers, some of whom, as Mrs. Farnham, Miss Norton, Miss Natalie, are already favorably known to the concert-going public. The programme is well selected, and calculated to develop the talent of all the artists engaged in its interpretation.”
"The annual complimentary concert of this popular baritone and instructor.”
"Unfortunately, the weather was rather unpropitious, and many of the friends of the artist and his pupils living at a long distance, were unable to attend. The audience was, notwithstanding, large, brilliant, fashionable and appreciative. The programme was well selected, presenting choice morceaux from favorite operas, most of which were exceedingly well rendered. One of the principal attractions of the evening was the first appearance of Master Alfredo Barili, a boy of ten years of age, the son and pupil of Signor Ettore Barili. The child pianist was received very enthusiastically, and played two selections with much earnestness and effect, evincing, in his delicacy of touch and expression, the evidence of careful and thorough training. It is not too much to say that great things may hereafter be expected of this boy in the fields of music, should he persevere in them. The ladies and gentlemen who took an active part in the concert deserve all praise, as does Mr. Barili himself, for the efforts they made, and the success with which all their exertions have been crowned.”
"The brothers Antonio and Ettore Barili gave their second annual concert at Irving Hall. One heard there a third Barili, Alfredo, who made his entry into the world at this soiree. He's a pianist-baby; if one squeezed his fingertips, milk would still come out. He is only ten years old, and his talent already has all its teeth. The Barili brothers are such good wet-nurses!"
“On Friday evening Ettore Barili and his pupils gave a delightful concert at Irving Hall, the most striking vocalists of the evening being Mrs. Farnham, so well known in private musical circles here; and Miss Natali, a young lady from Boston, gifted with a charming voice, set off to advantage by a brilliant execution, which makes her a rival to our most popular concert singers. Master Alfred Barili, a boy of ten years, showed an ability as a pianoforte player which promises to lead to something first-class, and Mr. Pease played with his usual skill. The audience was highly enthusiastic.”