Maretzek Italian Opera: Il trovatore

Event Information

Academy of Music

Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek

Carl Bergmann

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
29 August 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

05 Mar 1866, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 03 March 1866.
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 05 March 1866, 4.
Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 06 March 1866, 5.

“’Il Trovatore’ was performed last evening before a fair audience, who enthusiastically appreciated Zucchi, De Rossi, Mazzoleni and Bellini, in the principal roles. There was earnest disposition manifested to obtain repeats of favorite solos, but all were successfully resisted, except in the Miserere, which was so furiously re-demanded that a repetition could not be avoided.

    Mazzoleni and Bellini were in remarkably fine voice, but Zucchi appeared somewhat fatigued at the close and De Rossi, in her second scene, betrayed a like failing.  The choruses were not invariably prompt and spirited, but the orchestra was well kept in hand by Carl Bergmann, and the performance in general deserved the favor it received.”

Review: New-York Times, 06 March 1866, 4.

“‘Il Trovatore’ was given last evening to a good, but not crowded attendance.”

Review: New York Post, 06 March 1866, 2.

“That old favorite, ‘Trovatore,’ attracted a good audience last night . . . although the spectators were rather late in arriving. Zucchi, Rossi, Mazzoleni and Bellini were all in their best voice, and sang throughout the entire opera with a brilliancy and success unusual even for those accomplished and earnest artists. The tenor was especially fine, excepting in the serenade in the first act, which he shouted  rather than sang; but in the great aria of the third act he atoned for everything. Zucchi dressed as well as sang with excellent taste, and to both eye and ear left nothing to be desired. Maretzek never made a better choice than in selecting this superb lyric artist as a member of his troupe.”