Academy of Music
Carl Anschütz
Augustus Buechel
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
21 September 2012
“A grand operatic, dramatic and concert performance in aid of disabled soldiers will be given at the Academy of Music to-night. A full orchestra of sixty performers, under the direction of Messrs. Anschutz and Buschel will take part in the entertainment.”
“The wretched state of the streets prevented many from attending the Academy of Music last night and thereby contributing to the laudable purpose for which, according to the programme, a grand operatic, dramatic and concert performance was given. A large orchestra (sixty pieces), under the master baton of Carl Anschutz, a German glee club, Madame D’Angri and Wilhelm Formes as soloists, and by far the best in the music line during the evening, a little girl, ‘La Petite Florence,’ constituted the operatic and concert programme. A charming little comedy, entitled Les Femmes qui pleurent, was presented by Messrs. Juignet & Drivet’s company, Théâtre Francais. . . . The musical programme was of the German school, and would have been free from the overdone, muscular, Verdiish trash facetiously called at present Italian opera, had Madame D’Angri sung with more ease and less straining after effect. If the voice cannot dash off fiorituri without a prodigious effort, better, then, to let them alone. La Petite Florence sang two little ballads in a style that was deservedly encored. It is a pity if her voice, which gives indications of being of a superior order, is permitted to be destroyed by singing before it is well formed. Of the orchestral pieces, Schumann’s Berceuse, ‘Slumbering Child,’ was the most acceptable. We doubt that Emmanuel Bach, or his great namesakes ever composed a bar of the Grand Medley of Quicksteps. It is too much of the order of salon music that we hear in theatres, during a sword combat or the pursuit after Jack Sheppard. The German Glee club ought to practice singing in unison until there is less discordancy and better time in their quartettes. The concert concluded with a spirited and really meritorious march (not the words), composed by Colonel Herman, and entitled ‘The New Yorkaise.’ The performance, on the whole, was very good considering the monster bill, which promised opera, drama and concert, and ‘La New Yorkaise.’”
The weather conditions kept people from attending the event in large numbers.
“Saturday was a hard day for the fiddlers, and eke [sic] the performers on wind instruments, among whom may be numbered several critics. At the early hour of ten the doors of the Academy were thrown open, and at eleven the opera commenced. When the cobbler had returned to his last, the Philharmonic Society took possession of the building and worried through their tenth rehearsal. In the evening a large concert was given at the same place, and over the way in Irving Hall Mr. Theodore Thomas gave his farewell symphonic soiree. After this final labor there was not a drop of lager-bier to be had in the adjacent neighborhood.”
“A concert was given on Saturday night . . . for the benefit of Colonel Herman’s Relief Agency. D’Angri and Wilhelm Formes sang acceptably. Several of the French company played a vaudeville, and a number of German singers assisted to spin out a programme far too long. The attendance was not very encouraging, and towards the close of the entertainment grew small by degrees and beautifully less.”