Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Carl Bergmann
Price: $1.00 to all parts of the house
Event Type:
Last Updated:
28 September 2012
“There will be a matinee to-day, commencing at the usual hour of 1 o’ clock. The opera selected for the occasion is Verdi’s ‘Ernani,’ which will be sung by Mme. Carozzi-Zucchi, Signor E. Irfre, Signor Antonucci and Signor Brandini—the latter a new artist, who makes his first appearance in this city. He was formerly a member of Mr. Grau’s company.”
“The Matinée on Saturday was brilliantly attended, though not so terribly overcrowded as usual. The management has been given to understand very distinctly by the lady patronesses of these popular matinees that the hour of 11 a.m. suits them better than 1 o’clock p.m. So That next Saturday and in future the matinees will commence at 11 o’clock a.m. Ernani was well performed on Saturday, Zucchi, Massamiliani and Antonucci exerting themselves most successfully. The new baritone, Brandini, has a pleasant voice in quality, but it lacks power, especially in the higher tones. He sings tastefully and expressively, treads the stage well and acts with freedom. He will be found a useful artist.”
“Mr. Maretzek’s operatic matinée was, as usual, well attended on Saturday afternoon. ‘Ernani’ was fairly sung by all the artists—Mme. Zucchi being in very good voice. The rôle of Don Carlos was interpreted by Signor Brandini, a recent addition to the troupe. Signor Brandini has a high baritone voice of fair quality which he uses discreetly. He is young, well-looking, self-possessed and likely to become a favorite with the public. He is a useful addition to Mr. Maretzek’s company, where poor Bellini is vastly over-worked.”
“A new singer has been added to the Maretzek troupe. Signor Brandini, who appeared at the Saturday matinee, is a young man of fine personal appearance, and possessing a fair, round baritone voice of average power and flexibility. He sang very well, though we should surmise, from various points in his performance, that he has not had an extended stage experience. Our public has been so spoiled by the admirable and masterly singing and acting of its prime favorite, Bellini, that a less striking artist, even though he be really meritorious, fails to fill the measure of its content.
“Ernani” at the matinee was well performed. Zucchi, Irfre and Antonucci were in excellent voice, and gave entire satisfaction to an audience not as crowded as is usual at these day performances, yet ample and satisfactory.”