Maretzek Italian Opera: Jone

Event Information

Academy of Music

Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek

Price: $1

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
29 August 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

24 Feb 1866, 11:00 AM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Ultimo giorno di Pompei ; Last Days of Pompeii; Ione
Composer(s): Petrella
Text Author: Peruzzini


Advertisement: New-York Times, 20 February 1866.
Announcement: New-York Times, 22 February 1866, 5.
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 22 February 1866, 6.

“On this occasion, we congratulate our lady friends, that the great tenor, Mazzolini [sic], will appear for this occasion only.  The grace of the Management in vouchsafing so great an attraction to the matinee should be duly appreciated by the largest audience of the season.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 23 February 1866, 5.

     “Our country friends must not forget that the matinee to-morrow (Saturday) commences at 11 o’ clock instead of 1 o’ clock.  The favorite opera of “Ione” will be rendered.  Mmes. Bosisio and Adelaide Phillips, and Messrs. Mazzoleni, Bellini and Antonucci are in the cast.  The mise-en-scene will be the same as at the evening representations.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 24 February 1866, 4.
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 24 February 1866, 12.

     “The Opera Matinée at the Academy of Music commences this morning at 11 o’clock, by special desire. ‘Ione’ will be performed with Adelaide Phillips, Bosisio, and the great tenor, Mazoleni [sic].  This is his first appearance at a Matinée in his great character in ‘Ione,’ and this fact should alone attract a brilliant audience.”

Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 24 February 1866.
Review: New York Post, 26 February 1866, 4.

     “The Saturday matinees, from a mere supplementary experiments [sic], are fast becoming leading features of the operatic season. The début of the new baritone, Brandini, was reserved for a matinee, and the new buffo, Sarti, will also make his first appearance at one of these entertainments, as he is announced for next Saturday evening, in ‘Don Pasquale.’ The operas at the matinees are performed quite as well as in the evenings, though owing to the preponderance of ladies the applause is not as vigorous as usual, nor is the scenic effect enhanced by the occasional intrusion of glaring daylight. Barring these points, however, a matinee performance is thoroughly satisfactory, as all who heard the brilliant and effective representation of ‘Ione’ last Saturday will acknowledge.”

Review: New-York Times, 26 February 1866, 5.

     “The matinée on Saturday was well attended, and passed off to the satisfaction of the audience.”

Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 26 February 1866, 5.

     “Mazzoleni was the morning star on the occasion, and sang and acted superbly.  Eleven o’clock in the morning is an early hour to get up a musical enthusiasm, but Mazzoleni felt it himself and excited it in others, for his effects were most cordially received by the elegant audience present.”