Sam Sharpley’s Ironclad Minstrels

Event Information

Hooley’s Minstrel Hall

Proprietor / Lessee:
Samuel M. Sharpley
Samuel S. Sanford

Manager / Director:
Samuel M. Sharpley

Price: $.25

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
16 June 2016


Announcement: New York Herald, 17 July 1865, 4.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 17 July 1865, 7.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 22 July 1865, 120.

     “They will have the honor of appearing for the first time in the metropolis on Monday Evening, June 12, and continue every evening until further notice.”

Review: New York Clipper, 29 July 1865, 126.

     “The Iron-clad Minstrels, in the Bowery, were not largely patronised last week, and we are not surprised at it, if the performance given on the 18th, which we attended, was a fair sample of their entertainment of late.  It is an old and true saying that ‘when the cat’s away the mice will play,’ and an instance of its truthfulness was manifest on the occasion we refer to.  Hughey Dougherty, who, in the absence of Mr. Sharpley from the city, has one of the ends, is amenable to great censure for his acts on the 18th.  Whether to ascribe his shortcomings to the ‘effect of the sun’ or to too much ‘ice water,’ is a question we are unable to settle; but certain it is, he said and did a great many things which had better been omitted; he was not only very broad in telling his gags, but in some instances his remarks were very filthy.  Because a man is performing before a Bowery audience, he must not suppose that they will tolerate indecency or inebriety; and even if he should so suppose, the presence of ladies, at least, should deter him from appearing before them in a state of intoxication.  It is high time that all such characters were hissed off the stage, no matter if he be the leading comedian of a first-class theatre or the end man of a minstrel troupe; they should be taught at least to respect those who have paid their money to see a sober performance.  Had Mr. Sharpley been with his company on the occasion in question, no such liberties with the audience would have been taken as we witnessed there and then.  We hope such conduct will not be repeated.”