Charley White’s Variety Company

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Price: $.35 parquet; .50 reserved; .20 gallery; $5 private boxes

Event Type:
Minstrel, Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
10 March 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

25 Jun 1866, Evening
26 Jun 1866, Evening
27 Jun 1866, Evening
28 Jun 1866, Evening
29 Jun 1866, Evening
30 Jun 1866, Evening
30 Jun 1866, 2:30 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Scenes at the Hippotheatron
aka Female home guard; Vivandière, La


Article: New York Clipper, 02 June 1866, 62.

Charley White—the clever minstrel and Ethiopian comedian—is to appear as manager once more, and have a place of his own on Broadway.  Charley White has secured the lease of Bryants’ Minstrel Hall, 472 Broadway, and in a few weeks he will open it with a first class variety troupe, a la 444 Broadway. The entertainments to be given will comprise dancing, sentimental and comic singing, Ethiopian eccentricities, gymnastic acts, etc., male and female singers, stars in the cork line, etc., will appear.  Since the destruction by fire of ‘444,’ the want of such a place has been greatly felt; therefore Mr. White steps in at a very opportune moment.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 23 June 1866, 86.

“In the troupe will be included a corps de ballet, burlesque performers, minstrels, comic and sentimental singers, etc.  The programme will comprise a little of everything…”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 25 June 1866, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 25 June 1866, 5.

“Charley White’s combination and minstrel troupe will inaugurate a grand opening of their performances at (Bryants’) Mechanics’ Hall, Broadway, this evening, and repeat a variety of light laughable performances during the week.  A comprehensive programme has been issued, the entertainment to conclude with White’s funny sketch entitled the Hippotheatron and Arab Troupe.”

Review: New York Herald, 26 June 1866, 5.

“Bryant’s Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity last night, on the occasion of the inauguration and opening week of Charley White’s combination troupe.  The bill embraced a variety of songs, ballets, extravaganzas, imitations, equestrianism and burlesques that kept the audience in an endless strain of good humor.  The artistes who participated have been selected with the especial view of effecting a combination of the best talent in the city, and no one who witnessed the rendition of the various items upon the bill will question the taste of Mr. White.  The opening overture of popular airs, composed for the occasion was a variety in its way.  The ballet of the ‘Forest Rose,’ the plantation festival entitled, ‘Red Hot,’ and the military ballet ‘Spirit of the North,’ are worthy of especial mention, for the highly creditable manner in which they were put upon the boards.  These laugh-provoking performances will be continued through the week, and cannot fail to draw full houses every night.”  

Announcement: New York Clipper, 30 June 1866, 94.

“‘472.’ Charley White and his variety combination give their initial entertainment at Mechanic’s Hall this evening.  Should the weather be at all propitious, there will be a large audience present to welcome Charley and the other favorites on their appearance at this old homestead of minstrelsy.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 30 June 1866, 5.

“Charley White’s Combination and Minstrel Troupe will perform in a matinee, commencing at half past two o’clock, at Mechanical Hall (Bryants’), Broadway.”

Review: New York Clipper, 07 July 1866, 102.

[included full cast] “On the opening night the house was comfortably filled, but not crowded, and during the week the business was, in proportion to the house, better than any other place in the city. The entertainment given was of the popular music hall style, and reminded us very much of old ‘444,’ many of the performers having been formerly connected with that house. The hall also reminds us very much of ‘444,’ being of nearly the same size, and built very much like it. As neither smoking nor drinking is allowed, the audience was a very [illeg.] one. We noticed a number of ladies in the orchestra seats each night during the week. Mr. White has got together a good company, and so far his enterprise has proved a great success.”