Bergmann Promenade Concert: 5th

Event Information

Belvedere Lion Park

Carl Bergmann

Price: Free

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
17 March 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

30 Jun 1866, 4:00 PM

Program Details

Unnamed works by Weber, Strauss, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Herzog, Mendelssohn. The New-Yorker Stadt Zeitung indicated that the concert began at 4:30 pm.

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Ecko galopp; Echo galopp
Composer(s): Bergmann
aka Arion carnival march; In die Butt; Militair Festklänge ; Military festival
Composer(s): Faust


Advertisement: New York Herald, 30 June 1866, 7.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 30 June 1866.
Review: New York Herald, 01 July 1866, 5.

“The pavilion at the Lion Brewery Park was again visited by a select audience representing the musical public of New York. The fifth Saturday concert of the present season was given. These concerts cannot be surpassed by any other orchestral performances in this city. Yesterday, however, many of the frequenters were kept away on account of the rain, which set in during the afternoon. There was a repetition of a former programme, with some alterations, embracing the choicest compositions of Weber, Strauss, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Herzog, Mendelssohn and others. The romance from L’éclair, which at the previous performance created a furore, was repeated with equal success. Mr. Bergmann’s ‘Echo Gallop’ was also repeated. A curious piece, called the ‘Arion Carnival March,’ and supposed to have originated with the Arion vocalists, was given. It has already become very popular. The programme embraced a dozen pieces and the concert, which began at five o’clock, occupied three hours.”