Trinity Church
Last Updated:
17 July 2020
“The merry chimes of time-honored Trinity, which have oft’ of yore awakened our ears to the arrival of the ‘glorious Fourth,’ rang forth at various intervals yesterday with their joyously resonant peals, echoing with reminiscent gladness the Declaration of American Independence.
In the absence of our usual jeu de feux on the Fourth of July, old Trinity’s jeu de joie served as a partially welcome compensation.
The pieces performed were numerous and of the usual national type. The ‘Star Spangled Banner,’ ‘Flag of Our Union,’ ‘Yankee Doodle,’ &c., were distinguished for their appropriateness and accuracy of execution, while the plain, unostentatious old ditty of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ served to recall both the pleasant or less joyful memories of the past, when our brave ancestors fought and bled for that ‘liberty’ whose reign of love was now being celebrated throughout the nation’s breadth.
The superior performances of the bellringer of Trinity are too patent to require eulogistic dilation on the execution of yesterday’s performance. Enough to say that all who listened were convinced of the appropriateness of such music to such an occasion. [List of pieces performed follows.]