Tony Pastor's Opera House
Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Mons. Szollosy
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
7 March 2015
“Tony has a budget of comicalities which seem to please, but what appear to be the greatest favorite of the patrons is ‘That Dark Gal Dressed in Blue.’ This Tony sings in capital style, and always brings down the house. Billy Emmet is another favorite. He has a number of pathetic ballads in his repertoire, which he sings in his own peculiar style…Masters Charlie and Willie are clever performers in the song and dance line. Lew Brimmer is one of the best banjo soloists that puts on [illeg.] work, although his playing is much better than his singing. Jennie Engle is another favorite here, and is always encored in her songs.”