Irving Hall
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
16 August 2016
“The inclemency of the weather last evening considerably thinned the audience at this concert. Miss Rosa Cooke and Mr. George Simpson were the principal vocalists, and Master B. Mollenhauer and Mr. Colby the most noteworthy instrumentalists. Mr. Louis Jacoby played one of Schumann’s piano pieces in a style which would have driven the composer crazy had he heard it. He drowned sense, meaning, expression, everything with the pedal, which he kept down from beginning to end. Aside from that, his tone is turgid and cumbersome and he mystifies his hearers completely, not playing one coherent passage. Miss Rosa Cooke and her sister and Mr. Simpson sang very well. The former has an excellent, well-cultivated voice and should be heard more frequently in concert and opera.”