French Theatre
Manager / Director:
Henry Draper
Event Type:
Last Updated:
6 August 2016
“The Doctor of Alcantara was given here last night for the second time, under the present management to a very poor audience. Miss Fanny Stockton, as Inez, played and sang in a charming manner. She was frequently encored. The Doctor (Mr. E. Duchesne) played his part very well, but the ridiculous costume in which he was attired somewhat spoiled its effect. Mr. E. Warden, as Balthazar, in buffo acting is very good, but has a tendency to rather overdo his part. Miss Lizzie Allen, as Lucrezia, was creditable, and Miss Minnie Geary was pretty good, though she seemed to suffer from nervousness. Her voice was rather thin. The opera as a whole went off very well, orchestra and chorus acting in unison with the principal actors.”
“On the off-nights at the French Theatre, Opera is given; a sort of half-and-half arrangement. Italian, English, and one thing or another mixed, but the public fail to appreciate Manager Draper’s efforts in the opera line, and the result is poor returns in the treasury department.”