Tony Pastor's Opera House
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
22 August 2016
“The excitement incident to ‘the night before election’ did not prevent the usual large attendance last evening at this popular place of amusement. A new programme was presented, in which were contained a number of novelties, together with many of the standard old pieces. One of the best features on the bill was the performance given by the acrobats, Senorita Lopez and her three children. The divertissement of L’Obelisque, given by Mlle. Bertha and a ballet of twelve young ladies, was tame and barely creditable. Tony Pastor gave a number of songs, among which two new ones were introduced—‘The Fenians in Canada’ and ‘The Naughty, Naughty Girls’—the former being loudly encored. The entertainment closed with the play of ‘The Forest Fiend,’ a new sensational drama, in which was developed the plot of troubled love, a rival’s jealousy, incidents of daring exploits and narrow escapes, and a final happy reunion, to the great edification of the audience.”