Mason and Hamlin Warerooms
Last Updated:
3 November 2015
“Mason and Hamlin’s Concerts.—The first of six musical recreations will be given at the organ warerooms of Mason & Hamlin to-morrow afternoon, with a thoroughly enjoyable programme. Messrs Thomas, Bergner, Mason and Colby are the proficient pupils, whose ‘recitations’ cannot fail to entertain and instruct.”
“Mason & Hamlin’s favorite recreations are announced to close with a series of six entertainments. The first of these occurred January 15th, and seemed to be enjoyed even more than those that had preceded it. A new combination of instruments was afforded on this occasion—namely, the Harp and Cabinet Organ. Mr. Toulmin’s masterly handling of his speciality, the Harp, was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The piano soloist on this occasion was Mr. C. F. Daniels, of Bridgeport, who made an excellent impression, and received as he deserved, an encore. At the second of the series (Jan. 22), Mr. Wehli’s delicate manipulations were added to the list of attractions. Of his playing it is needless to speak or of the enthusiasm he is always sure to excite. The worst feature of these recreations is, first they are so soon to close.”