Broadway Theatre [485 Broadway; 1864-69]
Last Updated:
23 November 2015
“One of the most spirited and agreeable entertainments at present to be found in this city is given every evening at the Broadway Theatre, where the pretty and pleasing Worrell Sisters cater to the amusement of large and delighted audiences. Last night the performances commenced with a romantic comedietta entitled The Pets of the Parterre, and concluded with the extravaganza of Camaralzaman and Badoura; or, the Peri who Loved the Prince. In both these pieces the sisters appeared to good advantage, and were ably seconded by Miss Ella Turner, Mr. T. L. Donnelly and Mr. J. H. Jack. The first piece was presented last night for the first time, and proved quite attractive, but not more so than the last one, which abounds in ludicrous anachronisms, good local hits and lively dialogue, interspersed with appropriate songs by the sisters and Mr. Donnelly. The entire company acquitted themselves very creditably, with the exception of Mr. G. W. Stoddard, who was as still and heavy in his part as if the play were a blood and thunder melodrama instead of a light comedietta.”
“The Worrell Sisters—Irene, Sophie and Jennie—after an absence of several months, re-appeared in this city on the 14th inst. At the Broadway Theatre, in an extravaganza written by the Brothers Brough, entitled ‘Camaralzaman and Bedoura; or the Peri Loved the Prince.’ The title of the piece was enough to damn it if nothing else, but when it possesses not a single element for success then it must be a very extravaganza. Extravagant, because so much time should have been taken up rehearsing as well as playing it. Whoever selected it as a proper channel wherein to exhibit to advantage the versatility and charms of these ladies, either eanted theatrical experience or knew very little of what would suit the public. It is tamely written, and the play upon words is far-fetched. Such a piece can add nothing to the popularity of either author or those engaged in its representation. It was very well put upon the stage by Manager Wood, and the dresses were very handsome. All that was left for the three sisters to do was to look handsome, which they succeeded in doing. . . . These ladies show very few signs of improvement since they appeared at Wood’s Theatre last season. Jennie will insist on playing entirely to her audience. The moment she appears on stage she catches the eye of some one in the auditorium, and throughout the evening keeps up a by play with the favored one. This destroys all illusion with the action of the play. When speaking, she rattles off her words in such a manner that scarcely one-half she says can be heard. Jennie can dance a jig equal to any lady we ever saw on the stage, and would be a valuable acquisition to any first class variety entertainment, but she is so careless and in such a hurry to get through what she has to do that we fear she will never make a good actress. Sophie is a more careful, pains-taking actress, but she has the same fault of Jennie, of playing to the audience. If these ladies would only give a little more attention to learning stage business they would appear to better advantage than they do now. They are young and have every opportunity to improve themselves, and we should be pleased to see them succeed.”