Tony Pastor's Opera House
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
27 May 2016
“The great rush which takes place to Tony Pastor’s Opera House, in the Bowery, every evening, is likely to be greatly increased during the week by the production of a new local drama entitled The Upper and Lower Ten Thousand, with Tony Pastor as Kit Cotton. The piece, which abounds in striking effects, novel situations, pictures of city life, songs, dances, fun and humor, will be proceeded by Tony Pastor’s mammoth troupe in a grand variety programme of much attraction.”
“The attendance at this popular place of resort last evening was very large, the snug little auditorium being densely packed in both parquet and galleries. The bill for the evening comprised the usual mélange of wit and sentiment, and the various pieces each received the heartiest plaudits of those present. The acrobatic feats of the Senorita Lopez and her three children constitute a new feature, and are as interesting as they are difficult and daring in their character. The ballet divertissement of the Mountebanks of Granada was presented under the auspices of Monsieur Szollosef in a manner highly creditable. The burned cork department, represented by Messrs. Wild, Gaynor and the Hibernian Boys, was very amusing and by no means uninteresting, by reason of the many entirely new hits that were made. Tony’s budget of songs was enthusiastically received and called for numerous repetitions. The ventriloquism of Harry Burchard was so very good that it elicited no little merriment and wonder. The entertainment concluded with the drama of the Upper and Lower Ten Thousand. The scene of the play is laid in the city, and the many incidents, both in high life and low, are presented in such strong contrast in a plot of the most thrilling nature as to preserve the interest of the auditor unflagging and unabated throughout. It is so well put on the stage, as [illeg.] to scenical effect and the [illeg.] are [illeg.]. ”
“‘The Upper and Lower Ten Thousand’ is the title of a new local drama to be produced at Tony Pastor’s Opera House this evening, and during the week. It is from the prolific pen of John Poole, and will embrace every member of the company in the cast. New scenery has been painted expressly for it, the play illustrating scenes in the great metropolis. Last week the attendance at this establishment was as good as any week during the season. Among the many attractions offered was the posturing act by Mad. Lopez and three children, two boys and a girl. This is the first time we ever saw a lady in the act, and we were not only astonished, but pleased, for the lady is well up in her business. She does the act very well indeed, while her little children are very smart acrobats for their age.”
“The Excise Commissioners have not died out, as many a lover of a cocktail on a Sunday morning has imagined. This board was in session every evening this week at Tony Pastor’s Opera House, where they showed up the beauties of this law. Denny Gallagher, J. Gaynor and Willis Armstrong were the Commissioners, and they created a lively old time. In addition to this laughable act, a number of others were performed by the company. The drama of ‘Upper and Lower Ten Thousand’ was the afterpiece, and it afforded the members of the company an opportunity to spread themselves in the dramatic turn. Tony Pastor, G. F. McDonald, T. G. Riggs, Jennie Engel, Frank McDonald, Carrie Carner and the full strength of the variety corps was brought into requisition. Tony Pastor continues popular in his comic songs. Business is first rate, and the heart of the Pastor rejoiceth.”