Butler's American Theatre [472 Broadway; 6/67-4/68]
Proprietor / Lessee:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
Event Type:
Play With Music, Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
1 November 2016
“This place of entertainment, located at 472 Broadway, is open every night to crowded houses, and the audiences appear to be very well pleased with the programme offered them. Miss Ada Tesman, the new star of the establishment, possesses a very fair voice, but she has not yet sufficient self-possession on the boards. The nervousness common to most debutantes prevents her from doing justice to her powers, and she hums through her song without due regard for articulation or time. With a little more experience, however, Miss Tesman bids fair to be a welcome addition to the profession, as she has a decided specialite for comic vocalization. No less than three premieres danseuses claim attention at Butler's house, and Mr. Barney, the champion jig dancer, is a decided acquisition to the troupe. The comic element is strongly predominant at this theatre, to the intense gratification of the “gods,” while the legitimate drama is not lost sight of—for the benefit of the parquet.”
“MR. AND MRS. SAM RYAN have been playing in the drama of 'The Fair of Mullingar' at Butler's American Theatre, the past week, and have been well received by the audience. The variety entertainment has been well attended to by a company of good performers. Geo. Coes has become a great favorite at this establishment. He plays a banjo solo, sings a comic song, as well as a ballad, plays the violin, is good in single and double acts and ‘warm’ in a walk around. Master Barney, the jiggist, has been doing his champion jig dance in a white face as well as a laughable act called 'Scenes in an Intelligence Office.' Hughy Dougherty, Mary Blake, Charley Gardner, Clinetop Sisters, Lizzie Whelpley, Johnny queen and the Zuccoli Sisters are firm favorites with the audience. Ada Tesman, vocalist, commences this evening.”
“IF VARIETY is the spice of life, then the patrons of the American Theatre must be very spicy in their ideas, for a more varied entertainment than that presented to the frequenters of his establishment by Manager Butler we have not witnessed for some time. Whether it be in the terpsichorean, Ethiopian, vocal, either sentimental or comic, pantomime or dramatic line, the visitor is sure of seeing each in the hands of good artists and represented in a manner that is sure to please. Last week George Edeson, comic vocalist, re-appeared after a two weeks’ rest, and was well received. Ada Tesman, vocalist, commenced an engagement on the 15th, and in singing 'Mary Aileen’ and 'Give me Freedom Ever,' was encored several times . . . . Busi'ess is first rate at this establishment.”