Irving Hall
Manager / Director:
A. J. Lezjal
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Last Updated:
29 December 2016
“The third classical soirée of the New York Conservatory of Music will be given at Irving Hall. The last concert was given at the rooms of the Conservatory, but they were found entirely inadequate.”
“Last evening the third classical soiree of the New York Conservatory of Music for the season of 1867-’68 was highly successful. Miss Alide Topp evinced qualities as a pianist which would do honor to Oscar Pfeiffer, to Mills, and to Leopold de Meyer himself, in her rendering of the ballad G minor by Chopin, as well as in the quintette, op. 44, by Schumann, in which she was skillfully accompanied by Messrs. Edward, Henry and Bernard Mollenhauer and J. Zeiss. Haydn’s quartette in G major was given by the latter artistes with good effect. Verdi’s romanza, ‘Ballo in Maschera,’ was entrusted to Signor Ardavani, Moschele’s ‘Hommage à Handel’ to Miss H. Josephs and Master Aug. Steinhaus, and Mollenhauer’s ‘Flight of the Indian Warrior’ was finely executed by himself.”
The concert attracted a large audience.