Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Strakosch
Giuseppe Nicolao [cond.]
Event Type:
Last Updated:
29 August 2018
“The new opera season which was to have begun at Pike’s Opera House to-night will not be open as first announced. There will proably be but a few days’ delay, however, although there is considerable uncertainty as to what arrangements will be made and under whose auspices the season is to be directed. Meanwhile Mr. Strakosch finds ample encouragement for the fulfilment [sic] of his programme at the Academy. Madame Lagrange has entirely recovered from her cold, and will be ready to-night to sing in a character for which she is nobly fitted—that of Lucia in Donizetti’s favorite opera. Signor Brignoli will take the part of Edgardo, and Signor Orlandini that of Ashton. For Wednesday the light and festive ‘Un Ballo in Maschera’ is announced. ‘La Traviata,’ which was admirably performed at the Saturday matinée, will be given in Brooklyn on Thursday evening.”
“‘Lucia’ is substituted for the ‘Ballo in Maschera’ previously announced for Monday night.”
“The illness of Madame La Grange compelled the manager last night to substitute ‘Don Pasquale’ for ‘Lucia,’ and, though the change was no doubt a disappointment to many of the audience, the performance was on the whole so excellent that there was little cause for regret. Miss Phillips took the part of Norina. She had every opportunity to display her admirable dramatic power, and in the character of the saucy little damsel she seemed literally brimming over with archness and fun. The music, too, was not beyond the range of her voice, and was executed with all her accustomed facility and correctness. In the last scene she added Il Bacio with great effect. Brignoli as the lover, and Susini as the poor bothered Don, were respectively admirable, and Sarti made a satisfactory Malatesta. Brignoli’s serenade was of course encored.”
“Madame La Grange is now suffering severely from a cold, and, contrary to my advice, appeared at the Matinée on Saturday last, and thereby injured her voice, and was obliged to disappoint the public on Monday evening; but I hope she will be fully recovered so as to appear on Wednesday evening next. E.E. Marcy, M.D."
“The continued disposition of Mme. La Grange, renders it again necessary to change the opera—a necessity which we all know occurs very seldom, and is imperative. Instead of ‘Lucia,’ ‘Don Pasquale’ was given, with Miss Phillips, Signor Brignoli, Signor Sarti and Signor Susini. There was a good but not full audience, and the performance seemed to give satisfaction.”
“The continued ailment of Madame La Grange, which the apologetic bills announce as a severe cold and hoarseness that confined the prima donna to her room, was the cause of some disappointment at the Academy last night. The promised ‘Lucia’ had to be supplanted to make way for Donizetti’s lighter work, ‘Don Pasquale,’ it being wholly impossible for Madame La Grange to sing in the former rôle, in consequence of unfeigned indisposition. The weather and the change in the programme somewhat affected the house, so that it did not present the same brilliant appearance as usual. Brignoli and Miss Phillips cordially came forward to the rescue of the manager in his unavoidable difficulty, and put ‘Don Pasquale’ through very satisfactorily, though we need not say that it was a poor substitute for ‘Lucia.’”