Irving Hall
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
30 August 2017
“Mr. G. W. Morgan, the well-known and efficient organist at Grace Church, had his annual concert at Irving Hall on Thursday evening, April 16. He was assisted by Miss Adelaide Phillips, S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas and others.
Messrs. Mills and Morgan played a fantasia for two pianos upon ‘Don Juan’ and did it in fine style. Mr. Mills also played his ‘Recollections of Home,’ and being encored, his charming ‘2d Tarantelle.’ Mr. Thomas played most admirably a quaint Handel Sonata, which depended for its effect upon a pure and well-sustained tone. Miss Phillips sang three times, her first solo being the Handel aria which she sang so effectively at the 4th Brooklyn Philharmonic. She was in each instance warmly encored and received two superb baskets of flowers.”