Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
30 Oct 1862, 1:00 PM
Program Details
Other perfomers, including additional actors from New Bowery Theatre.
Order of program:
As Cool as a Cucumber
Wood’s Minstrels
The Loan of a Lover
The Rough Diamond
See also the evening performance.
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka As cool as a cucumber;
Cool as ice
Announcement: New York Herald, 30 October 1862, 4.
Programs. “With such a programme the proceeds of the festival cannot fail to surpass those of last year.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 30 October 1862, 7.
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 30 October 1862, 3.
Review: New-York Times, 02 November 1862, 6.
Says the event was on Friday, but ads in the NYT show a different event at the Academy on Friday, so it must be a mistake. “The two elaborate entertainments . . . proved a success of the first order. . . .
Two thousand applicants were refused admittance. . . . The Wood and Bryant Minstrels held forth in song and dance.”
Review: New York Clipper, 08 November 1862, 238.
“[A] great success. It is thought upwards of $5000 was cleared. In the afternoon, Wood’s Minstrels appeared.”