Academy of Music
Carl Bergmann
Event Type:
Choral, Orchestral
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
27 August 2018
“The third Philharmonic Concert takes place at the Academy of Music on Saturday. It will be an occasion of great musical interest. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony will be given entire—the choral part by the Harmonic Society. It is rarely that this colossal work can be heard, but the rehearsals indicate that it will be heard to great advantage on the present occasion.” Lists rest of program.
“Philharmonic Rehearsal this aftn. was unusually crowded. The Ninth Symphony rehearsed with the voices. Perhaps I chanced on a bad seat, but the soli seemed unequal to their difficult work, and the chorus to be crushed by the orchestra. Its bleatings were just audible through the demoniac shrieks of trumpets, trombones, and double basses.”