New-York Theatre (1866-69)
Proprietor / Lessee:
Henry Palmer
Manager / Director:
D. H. Harkins
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
17 October 2018
Brief: “At the New-York Theatre ‘Foul Play’ continues to attract good audiences, and will be presented every night this week and also on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Harkins, the present manager, contemplates withdrawing it soon, however, and supplying its place with another novelty.”
There was no performance of ‘Foul Play’ at this house last evening. The theatre was not opened, and no information was vouchsafed those who gathered about the doors seeking admission. A difficulty between the management and some members of the company is the cause of the present interruption of the run of the play, we are given to understand. The present intention of the lessees is to close the house until Saturday, and to resume the performances of the drama of ‘Foul Play’ next week, with a new cast. We received the following letter from Mr. Harkins last evening.
To the Editor of the New-York Times:
The subscriber, manager of the New-York Theatre, begs leave to notify the public that the theatre was closed for the following reasons: The manager had a contract with Harry D. Palmer, the literary proprietor of the piece called ‘Foul Play,’ to produce the same at the New-York Theatre, and to pay there-for a certain stipulated sum for each representation. The lessee, and a person associated with him, refused to pay for the privilege of producing the play, a part of which they were obligated by their contract with the manager to pay, and the manager insisting on the payment of what he considered a justdebt, the lessee closed the theatre. The whole company, considering the manager in the right, withdrew with him. D.H. HARKINS.”
“Operations have been temporarily suspended at the New-York Theater, in course [illeg.], we believe, of business difficulty between the managers, Mr. Harkins and Mr. Lloyd. But the New-York Theater will be reopened on Monday, with more ‘Foul Play.’ Mr. Harkins, we hear, goes to the Broadway Theater—also with ‘Foul Play.’ Probably the supply of this particular dramatic commodity will prove to be in excess of demand.”
Summarizes dispute over “Foul Play:” Harkins is to open at the Broadway next week with the version produced at the Holborn Theatre, London (and most of the current cast), and Lloyd announces that he will continue the current version at the New York Theatre.