Thomas Sunday Concert: 15th

Event Information

Steinway Hall

Theodore Thomas [see also Thomas Orchestra]

Price: $1 reserved; $.50

Event Type:

Performance Forces:

Record Information


Last Updated:
12 February 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

07 Mar 1869, Evening

Program Details

Vogt's "Nachtgesang" is given by request.

The advertisements list "Grace! Grace!" as the selection from Meyerbeer's Robert le diable, but the review in the New York Tribune reports it was "Robert, toi que j'aime."

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Spohr
aka Surprise symphony
Composer(s): Haydn
Composer(s): David
Participants:  Frederick Letsch
aka Gnaden aria
Composer(s): Meyerbeer
Text Author: Delavigne
Participants:  Josey [soprano] Hoflé
Composer(s): Jehin-Prume
Participants:  Frantz Jehin-Prume
Composer(s): Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
aka Guglielmo Tell; William Tell; Introduction
Composer(s): Rossini
aka Night song
Composer(s): Vogt
aka Fantasia for violin "Otello"
Composer(s): Ernst
aka Fantasie sur une danse Cosaque; Cosatchoque; Gosatichoque; Cassischoque
Composer(s): Dargomïzhsky


Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 March 1869, 7.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 06 March 1869, 11.
Announcement: New York Herald, 07 March 1869, 7.
Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 08 March 1869, 5.

“Mr. F. J. Prume, the violinist, who played once or twice in New-York some four years ago, but through bad management, or some other cause, hardly made the impression which his merit gave him a right to expect, has tried again for the favors of this fickle city, and last night was the leading attraction at the Steinway Hall concert. We make no doubt that he has secured this time a warm recognition. Not warmer, however, than he deserves. In some respects he is one of the most remarkable players we have heard. His style is broad and effective. His touch is firm, clear, and sympathetic; and his technique is superb. His first piece, a morceau of his own, played with the orchestra, gave opportunity for the display of his more legitimate characteristics as an artist, and is moreover a pleasing and melodious composition. It led to a recall, and in this Mr. Prume exhibited his contempt for difficulties and his fertility of resource in a manner to awaken the liveliest demonstration of approval. Among other feats of unusual legerdemain, he plays an air with the bow and at the same time repeats a rapid pizzicato accompaniment with the bow-hand, and finally with both hands. The effect is more peculiar than pretty, and as the boy said when he got to the end of the alphabet, it was not even worth while to go through so much for the sake of so little; but it is certainly very curious. Mr. Letsch played very well on the trombone concerto of Felicien David’s; Miss Jenny Hoflé sang several pieces, among others the ‘Robert! toi que j’aime,’ which was admirable. The overtures to ‘Jessonda’ and ‘William Tell,’ a finale from Mendelssohn’s ‘Lorelei’ and the andante from Haydn’s Surprise symphony were among the selections.”

Review: Dwight's Journal of Music, 27 March 1869, 6.

“Mr. Thomas’s 15th Sunday Concert presented many points of interest, among them, the following:

            Overture, Jessonda…….Spohr

            Andante, ‘Surprise Symphony’….Haydn

            Finale, Loreley…..Mendelssohn

            Overture, William Tell…..Rossini

“Miss Hoffe (soprano), Mr. Letsch (trombone), and M. Prume (violin) assisted: the latter created a marked sensation by his wonderful execution and very excellent tone. Mr. Prume played the Mendelssohn Concert at one of the Philharmonic concerts some four years ago.”