Fifth Avenue Theatre (1867-73)
Manager / Director:
Augustin Daly
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
17 May 2020
“The present week is announced at the Fifth Avenue Theatre as ‘a week of famous plays.’” Lists programs for the week.
No mention of music. Notes A poor goose is “said to be an adaptation of a London farce, ‘The Goose that laid the golden egg.’”
Notes small audience on Monday night. No mention of music.
The last programme provided by Mr. Daly for his patrons seems to be scarcely as attractive to the public as its predecessors, for the houses have been but poor for the last two nights. ‘Don Cæsar de Bazan’ is a play that is painfully lacking in novelty; for not only is it a standard work at the theatres, but it has been also familiarized through Wallace’s opera of ‘Maritana,’ which is simply this play, interspersed with ballads and concerted music.” No further mention of music. Describes the plot of A poor goose.