J. Edwards Haner Concert

Event Information

Steinway Hall

Napoleone Carozzi

Price: $1

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
21 February 2021

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

20 Nov 1869, 1:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Scene napolitaine
Composer(s): Haner
Composer(s): Arditi
Participants:  Eugénie de Lussan
aka Masaniello; Mute Girl of Portici; Stumme von Portici
Composer(s): Auber
aka Cradle song
Composer(s): Reber
Participants:  Joseph Lewenberg
aka Is it thou?; Renato's aria
Composer(s): Verdi


Advertisement: New York Herald, 16 November 1869, 8.
Announcement: New York Post, 19 November 1869, 2.
Review: New York Herald, 21 November 1869, 7.

“There was a full and fashionable attendance, chiefly comprised of ladies, at Mr. J. E. Haner’s first grand matinée, given in Steinway Hall yesterday afternoon. Mr. Haner’s piano performances were highly appreciated and several times encored. He played the ‘Scène Napolitaine,’ a composition of his own, with excellent spirit. Madame de Lussan, in ‘L’Arditti Valse,’ a pretty, piquant solo, displayed much pliancy, clearness and strength of voice. The ‘Overture to Masaniello’ on the organ, by Mr. Walter R. Johnson [sic], was an agreeable interpolation of the ordinary concert. Reber’s ‘Cradle Song’ for the violin gave Mr. J. Lewenberg an opportunity to show his mastership of that instrument and his effort drew forth a well deserved encore. Mr. Edward Gilbert as baritone sang ‘Sei [sic] tu,’ from Verdi’s ‘Ballo,’ with ease and feeling, and in the ‘Grand Duo’ from ‘Trovatore,’ with Madame de Lussan, showed the aptness of his voice and style for the light and quick expression of operatic music.”

Review: New-York Times, 22 November 1869, 4.

“Steinway Hall was completely filled by an audience composed principally of ladies, Saturday afternoon, when Mr. J. EDWARDS HANER gave an après midi concert. Mr. HANER, who is known as a popular pianist, executed quite brilliantly his own composition called ‘Scene Napolitaine,’ and with the cooperation of Mme. DE LUSSAN. Soprano, Mr. GILBERT, baritone, Mr. W. R. JOHNSON, organist, and Mr. LEWENBERG, violinist, supplied a very pleasant entertainment.”

Review: New York Post, 22 November 1869, 2.

“On Saturday afternoon Mr. J. E. Haner, the pianist, gave a matinee performance at Steinway Hall, playing in good styleThalberg’s ‘Straniera’ fantasia and one of his compositions entitled ‘Scene Napolitaine.’ He was assisted in the other departments of the concert by Madame de Lussan, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Lewenberg and Mr. Pinner.”