Tammany Hall

Event Information

Tammany Hall

Price: $.50; $.25 family circle

Event Type:
Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
17 July 2021

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

31 Jan 1870, Evening
01 Feb 1870, Evening
02 Feb 1870, Evening
03 Feb 1870, Evening
04 Feb 1870, Evening
05 Feb 1870, Matinee
05 Feb 1870, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed

Text Author: Poole


Advertisement: New York Herald, 30 January 1870, 2.
Announcement: New York Herald, 31 January 1870, 6.
Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 01 February 1870, 5.

No mention of music.

Review: New York Herald, 01 February 1870, 10.

No mention of music.

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 05 February 1870, 347.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 05 February 1870, 350, col. 4.
Article: New York Sun, 07 February 1870, 1.

“One of the humorous scenes in the play of the ‘Glorious Seven’ now on the Tammany boards is a burlesque upon opera singing. The band saws away at one of the most important scenes in Trovatore, and the actors come down to the footlights opening their mouths to the fullest extent, waving their hands in energetic action, but never uttering a syllable. This took famously last week, and was vehemently applauded, but on Saturday night when a miscellaneous audience assembled, the gods did not see the joke, and after listening impatiently for thirty, seconds burst into a unanimous cry of ‘Louder!’ ‘louder!’ The audience all over the theatre took up the cry, and the discomfited actors, after a bewildered look at the audience, retired in good order.”

Review: New York Clipper, 12 February 1870, 358, col. 3.

“Mr. Sheldon did a song and dance very well for a first attempt.”