Event Information

Academy of Music

Carl Bergmann

Price: $2 reserved; $10 boxes

Event Type:
Choral, Orchestral

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
5 March 2022

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

18 Apr 1870, 8:00 PM

Program Details

One of several events in April 1870 to benefit the Sheltering Arms. Unclear if the entire Philharmonic Society performed or only a subset of it. (The New York Herald notes “picked members” of the orchestra performed; the New York Times implies it was the full orchestra.) Also unclear if the participating chorus was the Berge Choral Union, the Arion Society, or both. (The New York Herald notes the Berge Choral Union; the New York Times and New York Tribune note the Arion Society.) George W. Colby is also noted as providing accompaniment.

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka God be merciful to me; O God have mercy on me
Composer(s): Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Participants:  Franz Remmertz
aka Freischutz
Composer(s): Weber
Participants:  William Candidus
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Participants:  Anna Mehlig
Composer(s): Bellini
Participants:  Clara Louise Kellogg
aka Battle hymn; Schlacht-Hymne; Tag ist da, Der
Composer(s): Wagner
Participants:  Arion Gesangverein
aka Tannhauser overture
Composer(s): Wagner
Composer(s): Spohr
Participants:  William Candidus;  Franz Remmertz
Composer(s): Rossini
Text Author: Rossi
Participants:  Antoinette Sterling
Composer(s): Baillot
Participants:  Pablo de Sarasate
aka Vepres; Vespri siciliani; Sicilian vespers, The; Bolero; Siciliana; Sicilienne; Pity, beloved ladies; Merce dilette Amiche
Composer(s): Verdi
Participants:  Clara Louise Kellogg
Composer(s): Liszt
aka Prophete. Coronation march; Grand processional march; Krönungsmarsch; Crowning march
Composer(s): Meyerbeer


Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 08 April 1870, 1.

Article describing the mission and building of the Sheltering Arms. (No mention of music.)

Advertisement: New-York Times, 10 April 1870, 7.

This concert preceded the inauguration of “the Bazaar, which will open on the following day, at 2 P. M., at the Thirty-seventh [sic] Regiment Armory.”

Announcement: New York Sun, 11 April 1870, 2.

"A concert of unusual excellence is to be given this evening at the Academy of Music, in aid of that most praiseworthy charity, the ‘Sheltering Arms,’ an asylum for crippled, incurable, and destitute children. Surely, if anything could appeal strongly to the sensibilities and sympathies of the compassionate, it is such an object as this. [Lists performers.] [They] will insure [sic] a more than usually fine concert.”

Announcement: New York Post, 14 April 1870, 2.

“The most noticeable of coming concerts is that to be given next Monday night at the Academy of Music, for the benefit of the ‘Sheltering Arms.’ List of vocalists includes Miss Kellogg, Miss Sterling, Mr. Candidus, Mr. Remmertz, and the Arion Society. Miss Mehlig and Mr. Mills will be the pianists, and Senor Sarasate, of the Patti troupe, the solo violinist. Besides all these attractions, the Philharmonic Society, under the direction of Carl Bergmann, will lend its aid. Such a concert as this is seldom given in this or any city; and as it is moreover for the benefit of a most worthy charity, it appeals with double force to the musical community.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 16 April 1870, 12.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 16 April 1870, 7.

Only citation with program. Lists “Philharmonic Orchestra” amongst performers and does not suggest it is reduced in size. Notes that the “grand pianos used on this occasion are from the celebrated manufactory of A. Weber, New-York.”

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 16 April 1870, 5.

“On Monday the eager world of fashion will divide itself between the Academy of Music, where nearly all the most popular artists now within reach—Miss Kellogg, for instance, Miss Mehlig, Mr. Mills, Miss Sterling, Mr. Werner, and Señor Sarasate—with the Arion Society and the Philharmonic orchestra [sic], are to appear for the benefit of the Sheltering Arms Asylum; and the Union League Theater, where all the fortunate people who can buy or borrow good clothes are going to the full dress performance of ‘Maria di Rohan’ by Signor Ronconi, with the assistance of Mrs. Gulager and other amateurs.”

Announcement: New York Post, 16 April 1870, 4.

“The concert that is to be given at the Academy of Music is for the benefit of one of our noblest charities, the Asylum of the Sheltering Arms, for sick and crippled children. The programme is one of unusual excellence, combining an amount and variety of talent and an admirable selection of music, such as is rarely offered in America. The orchestra of the Philharmonic Society, the chorus of the Arion, Miss Anna Mehlig, Mr. S. B. Mills, Signor Sarasate, and others, instrumental soloists, and Miss Kellogg and other favorites as vocalist appear together on one platform. We trust that the result will be not only a rich musical festival for a crowded house, but a substantial contribution to the permanent efficiency of the asylum.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 17 April 1870, 4.

“The very worthy charity known as the Sheltering Arms, is likely to find its funds considerably augmented ere the fortnight ends. To-morrow it will benefit by a grand concert at the Academy of Music, and Thursday evening and Tuesday week [sic] by two amateur dramatic entertainments at the Union League Club Theater. [Lists participants.]”

Announcement: New York Post, 18 April 1870, 2.


Announcement: New-York Times, 18 April 1870, 5.

“The concert by which the Sheltering Arms benefits takes place at the Academy to-night. The programme—a magnificent one—invites perusal, and is printed in full elsewhere.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 18 April 1870, 5.

At the close of the review of the Steinway Hall Popular Concert on 04/17/70: “Miss Mehlig and Mr. Mills repeat the duet [Hexameron] at the concert at the Academy of Music tonight, and we hope for the sake of their hearers that they will be as full of spirit as they were last evening [reference to event entry of 04/17/70: Steinway Hall Popular Concert: 1st].”

Announcement: New York Sun, 18 April 1870, 2.

“There are several musical performances to be given the present week of much more than ordinary excellence.

“Foremost in the amont of talent enlisted, as well as in the object to be attained, is doubtless the concert to be given at the Academy of Music this evening in aid of the asylum for poor, incurable, crippled, and destitute children, known as ‘The Sheltering Arms.’ [Lists performers.] No one needs further assurance that the concert must necessarily be one of the best of the season.”

Advertisement: New York Sun, 18 April 1870, 3.

Includes program.

Announcement: New York Herald, 18 April 1870, 7.

“A grand concert will be given at the Academy of Music this evening for the benefit of the Sheltering Arms.”

Review: New York Herald, 19 April 1870, 7.

“It would be difficult to match this concert in artistic merit, and as a pecuniary success it was indisputable. The programme had on it the names of Miss Kellogg, Miss Sterling, Miss Anne [sic] Mehlig and the unapproachable Mills, Sarasate, the great violinist, the picked members of the Philharmonic Society and a superb chorus. Miss Kellogg sang divinely in her usual clear, sympathetic, light soprano style. The Philharmonic Society, Miss Kellogg and Miss Sterling were the principal soloists. We have rarely heard Miss Kellogg sing better. The Philharmonic orchestra and a large and efficient chorus from the Berge Choral Union appeared at both services.” (Unclear what is meant by “both services,” as only one concert is ever advertised.)

Review: New York Sun, 19 April 1870, 1.

“The concert in the Academy of Music last evening, in aid of the Sheltering Arms, was a great success. Miss Kellogg, Miss Mehlig, and Messrs. Mills, Remmertz, Candidus, and Savasti [sic] sang solos, and the Philharmonic Society and the Arion did the chorusing.”