New-Yorker Stadt-Theater [45-47 Bowery- post-Sept 1864]
Event Type:
Last Updated:
1 January 2023
“’Faust’—the genuine ‘Faust’ of Gounod—was given at the Stadt Theatre last night in good style, with Frederici as Marguerite, Romer as Siebel, Bernard as Faust, Vierling as Valentine, and Franosch as Mephisto, the latter personation being about the most effective of the evening, while that of Faust was the weakest. In the ballet Marrwig and Sand danced with grace and taste. The choruses were full and good. The orchestra was occasionally too loud for the voices.
“To-morrow night ‘Martha’ will be given, and ‘Robert le Diable’ is promised for Friday. The bad ventilation, by the way, is a defect in this theatre, that should receive prompt managerial attention.”