Chickering's Rooms [use for Chickering Hall before 11/75]
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
19 August 2023
“Chickering Hall was crowded last evening to hear a very popular artist, Miss Maria Brainerd. The twelve pieces on the programme had to be nearly doubled to satisfy the musical cravings of the audience. The selections were popular, fairly rendered, and abounded with anacreontic terms of endearment.
Miss Brainerd was in good voice, sang to great advantage, and was liberally rewarded by the hearty applause of her hearers. The Misses Bulkley are popular artists, though of a peculiar school. Miss Hattie, in voice and method, is the nearest to the concert-room standard.
The Weber Quartet was very pleasing to the audience, and rendered the waltz from Vogel very charmingly. Mr. Bergner, was usual, was most effective on the violoncello, and we have to regret he did not play one of his popular solos.
The success of this concert would justify Miss Brainerd giving another. She has troops of friends, who are always ready to give her a cheerful welcome and to do justice to her qualities as an artist.”
“Chickering Hall was well filled by a large and appreciative audience, on Friday evening last, at a complimentary concert given to Miss Maria Brainerd, the deservedly favorite vocalist. The programme was one of unusual attractiveness, containing as it did several very fine vocal and instrumental concerted pieces, among which were Henry Leslie’s charming madrigal, ‘Thine Eyes so Bright;’ one or two beautiful four part songs by Kücken; a trio from Balfe’s ‘Falstaff;’ and Flotow’s ‘Spinning Wheel’ quartette from Martha. These several vocal selections were finely rendered by Miss Brainerd, Misses Hattie and Anna Bulkley, Messrs. [illegible], Beckett and Schaufiler. The opening movement of one [of] Beethoven’s trios for piano, violin, and violoncello was played with much vigor by Messrs. C. Berti—a very deserving young pianist—Färber, and Bergner. Mr. Beckett sang Schumann’s ‘The Noblest’ admirably, and did still better with Schumann’s ‘Dedication,’ which he gave in compliance with a well deserved recall. Mr. Beckett is on the road to honorable distinction. The Von Weber quartette (male) sang very tastefully several pieces by Hatton, Vogel, and others. Miss Brainerd sang a romanza, with violoncello obligato by Lebouc, and Clay’s charming ballad, ‘She Wandered Down the Mountain Side.’ Her singing is always liked, and her pleasant face and manner add not a little to the enjoyment of it. The Misses Bulkley sang a duet by [illegible], very prettily. Mr. S. P. Warren was the accompanist.”