Event Information
New Bowery Theatre
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Record Information
Last Updated:
28 March 2011
Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
13 Apr 1863, Evening
14 Apr 1863, Evening
15 Apr 1863, Evening
16 Apr 1863, Evening
Program Details
Performed with different plays each night.
Benefit of John Nunan (TUES)
Satanas is listed in the TUE NYH ad for Nunan’s benefit but not in the FRI NYH ad for Marden’s benefit, nor on SAT
Performers and/or Works Performed
Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 April 1863, 7.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 16 April 1863, 7.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 18 April 1863, 7.
Cast included. Says "every night."
Announcement: New York Clipper, 18 April 1863, 3.
“We miss the delightful vocalism that was the feature of the Niblo version, and likewise, the great dancing of the corps de ballet, only one song being introduced into the Bowery play – well sung, however, by Miss Denham – and but ordinary dance. . . . The spectacle was received with such immense favor last week, that the manager announces it for repetition during the current week.”
Review: New York Clipper, 25 April 1863, 11.
“The grand spectacle of Satanas held the stage at the New Bowery a portion of last week, and benefits filled up the other nights, Mr. Nunan having a very fine house for his night.”
COMMENT: Satanas is listed in the TUE NYH ad for Nunan’s benefit but not in the FRI NYH ad for Marden’s benefit, nor on SAT.