Campbell's Minstrels

Event Information

New Bowery Theatre

Manager / Director:
M. C. Campbell [minstrel]

Price: $.25 parquet and boxes; .10 amphitheatre; .50 orchestra; $5 private boxes; $1 seats in private boxes

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
21 October 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

06 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM
07 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM
08 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM
09 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM
10 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM
11 Jul 1863, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Opening Night [MON].

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka My good old friends
Composer(s): Winner
aka Dar’s de money
Composer(s): Emmett


Announcement: New York Clipper, 27 June 1863, 83.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 28 June 1863, 7.

Advertisement: New York Sun, 03 July 1863.
“Commencing Monday Evening”
Announcement: New York Clipper, 04 July 1863, 91.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 06 July 1863, 11.
“New Songs, Burlesques, Funny Doings, Witty Sayings, Elegant Dances . . . Newest Gems of Minstrelsy.”
Announcement: New York Herald, 06 July 1863, 3.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 08 July 1863, 12.
Good list of performers.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 11 July 1863, 102.

Announcement: New York Clipper, 11 July 1863, 99.
“The dramatic season at the New Bowery came to a close on the 4th inst., and this (Monday) evening it will be re-opened for a few weeks by the M.C. Campbell Minstrels, which is one of the best organizations extant.  The quartette is very good, and the funny business is equal to that of any company now traveling.  A very attractive programme is offered for the opening night, consisting of songs, both sentimental and comic, funny sayings, doings, &c. . . . [list of performers] The Campbell who directs the movements of this company is an original Campbell, of the pure stock, and one who has been connected with the profession for many years.  They have just completed a tour of several months’ duration, in various parts of the country, and now offer the metropolitans an opportunity to see and hear the Campbells.  They will be at the New Bowery all the week.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 11 July 1863, 7.

Review: New York Clipper, 18 July 1863, 107.

     “That popular band of minstrels known everywhere as the ‘Campbells,’ with Mr. M. C. Campbell at their head, took possession of the New Bowery Theatre on Monday evening, the 6th inst., for a short summer season, and opened to a very crowded house. We attended on the 9th, and were very much pleased by the fine entertainment offered.  In the first part, the singing of ‘Sister, Thou Art Dear to Me’ was beautifully given by Mr. George Gray, who is the happy possessor of a very sweet and musical voice.  ‘My Good Old Friends’ by Hilton, was well rendered.  Mr. H. has a very good voice, and knows how to use it.  On the end we find Johnny Booker and Ned Davis, two very funny comedians.  Johnny Booker is an old established favorite, and is one of the best end-men in the business. Many of his jokes are original, and they are not only given with a zest, but he has the faculty of knowing exactly how to please an audience as quick as he comes before one. The vocal and instrumental business throughout the first part was very well done.  In the olio, or second part of the programme, the whimsicalities of Booker are brought into full force.  In the acts of ‘The Two Dromios’ and ‘Othello’ he was particularly good.  The plantation festival of ‘High Daddy,’ with the full strength of the company, closed the performance, satisfactorily to all concerned.  Business continued very good throughout the week, and the ‘Campbells’ have made a hit on the east side.”