Irving Hall
Emanuele Muzio
Henry Christian Timm
Agricol Paur
Max Maretzek
Charles Wels
Price: $1; $1.50 reserved
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Last Updated:
4 April 2014
“The sudden death of Mr. Hermann A. Wollenhaupt has created a profound feeling of regret in the public mind, and a sentiment of sincere sorrow among a large circle of our citizens. Mr. Wollenhaupt was universally respected for his brilliant musical abilities, and beloved for the noble and generous qualities which adorned his character. These endeared him to all who knew him, but though his well merited successes may have caused some a jealous pang, it is probable that he had not one enemy in the world. Hermann A. Wollenhaupt was born at Schkenditz, Province of Saxony,
Prussia, in 1827. His rare musical talents brought him early before the public, and he achieved signal successes wherever he appeared. In 1845 he came to New-York, where his piano performances at the Philharmonic, and other concerts, rapidly gained for him a brilliant teaching connection, so that in two years he was enabled to send for his parents and his brother and sisters. These he educated and maintained, devoting all his energies and means to their comfort and advancement. Observing great talent in his brother Bruno, he sent him to Germany to study, keeping him there seven years, until he had achieved the position of a first-class artist. During the years of his residence in this City, Hermann Wollenhaupt produced a large number of brilliant piano compositions, which have become famous, not only in this country, but throughout all Europe. They have become standard works, and have made his name respected wherever they are known. The art has lost much by his sudden and untimely death, and no one can calculate the deep grief that follows him to his grave from his home circle and his hosts of friends. His life was one of utter devotion and self-sacrifice, and he has surely met his reward, where deeds and not words are considered in a life’s account. He was buried in Cypress Hills Cemetery, and his funeral was attended by every musician of eminence in the City. On the day of his funeral all the principal music-stores and piano-stores were closed as a mark of respect to his memory.”
“This eminent pianist and composer died on Friday evening, the 18th inst., after a very brief illness. He left his native place, Schkeuditz, in Prussia, at the age of 18, having achieved a fine reputation as a pianist, and came to New York in 1845, where he has resided ever since. His name soon became known by his performances at the Philharmonic and other concerts, and the reputation thus achieved gained him at once a large influx of pupils from the best families. This success decided him to settle down as a teacher and he became one of the most eminent instructors in the country. He but rarely appeared in public, as he devoted all his leisure time to composition. His works for the piano-forte are numerous, and are distinguished by marked originality, exquisite grace, freshness, and brilliancy. All these works, though written here, are probably better known in Europe, where they have made for their author a brilliant reputation and have become standard teaching pieces. They have been republished in almost every European city. Mr. Wollenhaupt, having determined to end his days in New York, sent for the whole of his family to join him before he had been two years in the country. For them he made a home, educating his sisters and displaying the noblest traits both as a son and a brother. He did yet more. He sent his brother Bruno to Germany to study as an artist, and afforded him all the advantages that a seven years’ stay could offer. He was well repaid for the sacrifice, by the eminence which that brother has attained as a violinist and musician. No man was more respected among us for his rare intelligence and genius, and no man was more beloved for his honorable, generous, open-hearted nobility of character. In every relation of life he was just, tender, and true, and he goes to his grave mourned by all, and with heartfelt regrets, that but few have deserved so well, that a life so useful should have ceased so soon, when so many affections were intertwined with his, and the promise of the future was so bright. All the well-known musicians were present at his funeral, and the piano warerooms and music stores were closed in respect to his memory. His body was interred at Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island.”
“The friends and pupils of the late Herman A. Wollenhaupt will be glad to hear that a grand memorial concert to that esteemed musician will take place at Irving Hall, on the 28th of October. The affair is in the hands of a competent Committee, and there is no doubt that it will result in a substantial testimonial of the regard in which Mr. Wollenhaupt was held by the public and profession.”
COMMENT: The concert was actually held on 11/04/1863.
“The arrangements for this mammoth entertainment are progressing in the most satisfactory manner. The fourth of November is the day selected for the concert, and so much kindly feeling is exhibited by the profession in regard to it, we are almost justified in stating that every one who is at all eminent in the musical world has already volunteered for the occasion.”
“Directors” listed. (Committee of organizers; a combination of musicians, journalists, and music publishers): William H Fry, Charles B Seymour, E Masseras, Henry A Delille, William Steinway, LF Harrison, Edmon Remack, Charles Fradel, William A Pond, Paul J Nicholson, Theodore Hagen, Max Maretzek; William Hall (president), B Beer (treasurer), Henry C Watson (secretary).
“The gratuitous offer of the house and the services of some of our most eminent artists speaks well for the profession, and the position the deceased occupied in it.”
“The sale of reserved seats will open to-day at the music-store of Beer & Schirmer only. Holders of admission tickets can, by producing them, procure checks for armchairs at a cost of fifty cents. We are happy to say that the tickets for the memorial concert are selling with great rapidity. The concert takes place at Irving Hall on Wednesday next. So many artists take part in it who rarely are to be heard together, or (in concerts) at all, that we may safely announce it as the most interesting entertainment of the season. When it is remembered that it is given for benevolent purpose, the public will, we are sure, lend its generous assistance to the occasion.”
“The programme is good and the best musical artists in the city have volunteered their services, so that more could not be asked for.”
“To-night at Irving Hall the Memorial Concert to the late Mr. Herman A. Wollenhaupt will take place. It is one of the most interesting entertainments ever given in this City. The object sought to be obtained is a purely benevolent one. It means a substantial testimonial to the parents of the deceased, who are left in an embarrassed condition by his sudden death. Mr. Wollenhaupt was esteemed widely as a composer. His productions are to be found on almost every music desk of the country. But it was as a man that he furnished an example to all who came in contact with him. The influence of a genial, kindly nature is seen now in the regret, which is universal, and the desire which springs from it to lend a helping hand to his bereaved relatives. The programme for the memorial concert is singularly rich and varied. Its greatest attraction is Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, the charming American prima donna, who (unless we are mistaken) sings for the first time at a public concert in New-York on this occasion. There are people who never go to the opera; this will be a splendid opportunity for them to hear the best prima donna that the country has yet produced. Even those who have followed Miss Kellogg with all the enthusiasm that her brilliant career has awakened, will experience a new pleasure in hearing her in the concert saloon. A new Italian tenor also makes his début—Signor Mongiardini. Five of the best pianists in the metropolis are to be heard on this occasion, a festive opportunity which may never occur again. They are Messrs. L.M. Gottschalk, S.B. Mills, Wm. Mason, J.N. Pattison and Robert Heller. The members of the Liederkranz have volunteered their services and will sing two of their best pieces. There are fourteen numbers on the programme, among which are the pieces we have referred to, a solo on the violin by Mr. Bruno Wollenhaupt (brother of the deceased), and a movement from Schumann’s quintette in E flat, played by Wm. Mason and members of the Mason and Thomas Quartette party. The conductors are Messrs. Muzio, H.C. Timm and Carl Wells.”
“This musical event of the season will come off to-night at Irving Hall. About twelve of the finest artists are the solo performers. Miss Kellogg, Mr. W. Mason, Mr. Gottschalk, Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Thomas, &c., are of the number. Connoisseurs are referred to the advertisement. Something extraordinary.”
“Irving Hall contained an immense and most fashionable audience last evening. The programme announced for this concert was such an one as could but attract the public. Our most celebrated artists had volunteered their services for the occasion, and the opportunity to hear at the same time many favorites was indeed an unusual one, added to which the original purpose of the entertainment was to render to a deceased artist a tribute of respect, and to the aged relatives a substantial proof of sympathy and esteem. To all such appeals, New York ever answers generously. Last evening was no exception to the rule.
Miss Kellogg, the favorite prima donna, sang with great success the ‘Air du Rossignol,’ from ‘Les Noces de Jennette.’ She was accompanied by Mr. Eben on the flute. Miss Kellogg sang with expression and feeling, and was applauded in the heartiest manner. Mr. Eben accompanied Miss Kellogg admirably.
In the second part of the evening’s entertainment, Miss Kellogg sang the ‘Clara Louisa Polka.’ Here again she excited the public to long continued and hearty applause. Signor Muzio accompanied Miss Kellogg on the piano. The great success achieved by the fair artiste no doubt proved a most satisfactory return for her efforts upon the occasion.
Of the pianists who played on this occasion we cannot but say that one and all came up to that standard of excellence which the public expected from them. Gottschalk was immensely successful in all his morceaux; and had it been possible for him to accede to the demands made upon him by the audience, he would have been kept at the piano all the evening. Messrs. Heller, Sanderson, Mills and Pattison were also very successful, and received their share of the applause so constantly bestowed by the public.
The Geman Liederkranz opened the concert with a ‘Hymn to Music,’ which was sung with great ensemble and effect. In the second part of the programme they sang the chorus, ‘The Miller’s Daughter,’ and were alike successful in this. Much applause was bestowed upon them.
Messrs. Mason, Thomas, Mosenthal, Metzka and Bergner played a quartette for violins, by Schumann, and were greatly applauded. Mr. Bruno Wollenhaupt played in exquisite style a reverie for the violin, which was composed by his lamented brother.
Signor Mongiardini sang with great success the aria finale from ‘Lucia.’
Mr. S. C. Campbell, the popular baritone, sang twice during the evening, and elicited the warmest tokens of approval from the immense audience which crowded the house to overflowing. To terminate, we will state that the Wollenhaupt Memorial Concert was a great and well merited success.”
“The Wollenhaupt Concert last night was a magnificent success in every sense. Irving Hall overflowed with a fashionable audience; Miss Kellogg and the other eminent artists whose services were volunteered in aid of the worthy charity were superb; and the fund created by the proceeds of the evening amounted to a handsome figure.”
“The Wollenhaupt Testimonial last evening was a complete success. We lack space to enter into particulars to-day.”
“The Wollenhaupt Memorial Concert on Wednesday was a complete success. Irving Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity; indeed, if that spacious edifice had been twice its present size, it would hardly have accommodated all who wished to obtain admission. The result will be very gratifying; more than two thousand dollars will be handed over to the relatives of the deceased. The performances were conducted with much spirit, and passed off without a single disappointment. Where all were actuated by a kindly motive, it would be wrong to make distinctions. The thanks of the Committee are due to Miss Clara Louie Kellogg, Mr. S. C. Campbell, Signor Mongiardini, Mr. L. M. Gottschalk, Mr. S. B. Mills, Mr. Theodore Thomas, Mr. J. N. Pattison, Mr. Robert Heller, Mr. Wm. Mason, Mr. Harry Sanderson, Mr. Mosenthal, Mr. Matzka, Mr. Bergner, Signor Muzio, Mr. H. C. Timm and Mr. Charles Wels.”
“The Wollenhaupt Memorial Concert was a great success, the house (Irving Hall) being crowded to excess, and many being compelled to leave for want of accommodation. The nature of this entertainment called forth a most generous inducement, and the net proceeds amounted to over $2000.”