Campbell's Minstrels: M. C. Campbell Benefit

Event Information

New Bowery Theatre

Manager / Director:
M. C. Campbell [minstrel]

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
19 November 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

24 Jul 1863, Evening

Program Details

Rollin Howard, of Bryants’ Minstrels, usually does a burlesque of Norma. It looks like he may be doing the actual cavatina at this event. The “Mocking bird song,” performed by Green, was encored.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Bellini
Participants:  Rollin Howard
aka Mocking bird song
Participants:  J. E. [minstrel] Green
aka Essence of old Virginia; Essence of ol' Virginny; Essence of ole Virginia; Quint essence of Old Virginny; Quaint essence of Old Virginny; Quintessence of Old Virginny; Essence of Old Birginia
Participants:  Mert Sexton
Participants:  George Dougherty
Participants:  Little Bobby


Advertisement: New York Herald, 20 July 1863, 7.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 22 July 1863, 7.
 “SEXTON [has] just returned from Europe.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 24 July 1863, 7.
Several ads.  “Master Bobby, The Ladies’ Pet, will Dance his unique Reel. . . . J. E. Green . . . First Time in New York.”
Announcement: New York Herald, 24 July 1863, 4.
 “All [Campbell’s] company will appear in a choice programme, and [Howard, Green, Sexton, Dougherty, Florence and Bobby] have kindly volunteered their services to make this one of the strongest and longest bills of the season.”
Review: New York Clipper, 01 August 1863, 123.
“Talking about hits, one of the best of the season was that which attended the first appearance in this city of Mr. J.E. Green, the minstrel, on the 24th of July, on the occasion of the benefit given to Mr. M.C. Campbell, at the New Bowery Theatre.  Mr. Green is one of the managers of Duprez & Green’s celebrated band, known as the ‘New Orleans and Metropolitan Opera Troupe.’  The company resting here for a short time to recuperate for the fall season, Mr. Green volunteered for Mr. Campbell’s benefit.  He sang the ‘Mocking Bird Song,’ introducing imitations of the mocking bird, and his reception was immense.  Mr. Green possesses a sweet voice, sings with much taste, and accompanies himself on the guitar in a very artistic manner.  In his imitations of the various notes, songs, and warblings of the mocking bird, however, he excels anything of the kind we ever listened to.  The entire performance is remarkably interesting, and those who have not heard Mr. Green have certainly missed a rich treat.  He was rapturously applauded, and was compelled to repeat the song.  He again appeared on the 25th, and achieved another great success.  We believe he will travel with Mr. Campbell’s company until his own troupe is ready to start out again.”

Review: New York Clipper, 01 August 1863, 123.
 “A complimentary benefit was given the manager on the 24th, when a number of volunteers appeared, the attendance being large, and the benefit was a success in every particular.”