Bryants’ Minstrels

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Proprietor / Lessee:
Dan Bryant
Neil Bryant

Price: $.25

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
5 April 2011

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

18 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM
19 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM
20 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM
21 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM
22 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM
23 Apr 1864, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Johnny Schmoker ("Pilly Willy Wink" in refrain.); Pillwillywink Band; Johani Schmoker
aka Tin panonion; Tin-pan-on-ion; Tinpanonion; Tin pan onion; Tin Pano-ni-on; Tin-pan-o-ni-on
aka Warbs from Tyrol
aka Mac's essence; Little Mac's essence of Old Virginia
aka Lanagan's ball; Lannergan's ball; Lannigan's ball; Lynagan’s Ball
Composer(s): Bryant, Glover
Text Author: Pastor


Advertisement: New York Herald, 18 April 1864.

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 23 April 1864, 16.
List of performers.  “In a new variety of Songs, Dances, Burlesques, Plantation Scenes, &c.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 23 April 1864.

Review: New York Clipper, 30 April 1864, 22.
“Bryant’s [sic] Minstrels are so pressed for room that they may be compelled to adopt the reserved seat system, charging 50 cents to the reserved portion of the house, and 25 cents to the unreserved.  If it will only give the habitues an inch or two more seating capacity, there will be no objection of the extra charge; but the gentlemen who do the moving up business must be barred out of the domains occupied by the people who go in for comfort and a high tariff.  When one of the ushers was ‘going through’ the other night, we heard a young lady say—‘When I see that man coming along, I just feel like fainting, he squeezes so close.’  Most girls like a close squeeze, if we know anything about it, and we think we do.”