Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
14 Nov 1864, 8:00 PM
Program Details
First time for “Heller Outdone.â€
Current Events (Robert Heller)
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka Performance on harmonica
aka Double clog reel;
Double clog exercises
Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 November 1864.
“First time of Heller Outdone. New songs, choruses, etc.”
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 19 November 1864, 255.
“Grand Afternoon Performance Thanksgiving Day.”
Review: New York Clipper, 26 November 1864, 262.
“Campbell’s Minstrels, through one of their number, have been doing an act which they call “Harmoniconbanjotamborinedrumbelldum;” we believe it’s all there, but we have had a terrible spell in getting it there. Well, the—the thing is well done, and exacts the loudest applause from those who have witnessed and heard it. Davis and Budworth, the end men, have also appeared in some new acts, which evoked uncontrollable laughter. In fact, these east side minstrels are a right jovial party, shooting folly as it flies, making local hits, which amuse but never offend, and vocalize and instrumentalize in a most entertaining manner.”