Winter Garden

Event Information

Winter Garden

Manager / Director:
William [manager] Stuart

Robert August Stoepel

Price: $.30; .75; $1; $1.50

Event Type:
Play With Music, Orchestral

Record Information


Last Updated:
7 November 2011

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

18 Aug 1864, 8:00 PM
19 Aug 1864, 8:00 PM
20 Aug 1864, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Opening Night of the Season [THU].

Performers and/or Works Performed

Text Author: Coyne


Announcement: New York Herald, 11 August 1864, 4.

Announcement: New-York Times, 15 August 1864, 4.

“The Winter Garden has been beautifully and tastily restored during the recess.  It is now the handsomest, best ventilated and most comfortable theatre in the City.  The entrance lobby, the proscenium, and the box tier are frescoed in the best style of art.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 15 August 1864.

The orchestra, comprised of many of the best solo performers in New-York, will be under the direction of the distinguished composer and conductor, MR. ROBERT STOEPEL.”

Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 16 August 1864.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 16 August 1864.

“The orchestra, comprising many of the best solo performers in New-York, will be under the direction of the distinguished composer and conductor Robert Stoepel.”

Announcement: New York Post, 16 August 1864, 2.

Announces Opening Night for Tuesday.  “[T]he orchestra will be under the charge of Robert Stoepel.”

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 17 August 1864, 4.

Extensive article focused on the new decorations.  “During the recess, it has been newly decorated in a style of extreme taste and elegance, and thoroughly supplied with fresh and comfortable furniture. . . . The orchestra will be directed by Mr. Robert Stoepel, who is unquestionably the best leader we have.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 18 August 1864.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 18 August 1864.

Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 19 August 1864, 5.

“The opening of this theatre for the season, last evening, was in every way very auspicious.  The audience was uncommonly large and brilliant, and the performance was unquestionably one of the best that has been witnessed for years. . . .


The changed appearance of the house itself contributed to the good humor of the audience.  The problem which has for years perplexed theatrical philosophers of New York, How to clean the Winter Garden, seems to have been effectively solved in Mr. Stuart.  Were all was, two months ago, dirt and dust and gloom, all now is bright and sparkling and cheerful.”

Review: New-York Times, 19 August 1864, 5.

Long review, with a description of the renovations to the theater.  “This well-known establishment was reopened for the season last night, under the management of Mr. W. Stuart.  There was a large attendance, and among the habitués a very hearty degree of satisfaction was expressed at the change of direction. . . .


. . . We must not forget to add that a fine orchestra, under the able direction of Mr. Robert Stoepel, contributed very materially to the enjoyment of the evening.”

Review: New York Post, 19 August 1864, 2.

“The long-closed doors of [Mr. Stuart’s] popular establishment were thrown open last night. . . .


The same programme is announced for this week, and with the attractive music provided by Mr. Stoepel.”

Review: New York Herald, 19 August 1864, 4.

“WINTER GARDEN.  This favorite theatre reopened last evening, with . . . Robert Stoepel as musical director. . . . The house has been repainted and decorated, and is certainly very neat and elegant.  The footlights have been sunk, so as to give better effect to the stage picture. . . .


. . . There was a very large audience, and a very great deal of good, hearty laughter.  The theater, fortunately, is cool enough to laugh in comfortably.”