Camilla Urso Concert: 1st

Event Information

Niblo's Concert Saloon

Price: $1; $1.50 reserved

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
29 December 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

20 Feb 1865, Evening

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Beriot
Participants:  Camilla Urso
Composer(s): Sainton
Participants:  Camilla Urso
Composer(s): Urso
Participants:  Camilla Urso
aka Slumber on, baby dear; Slumber song
Composer(s): Gottschalk
Participants:  Charlotte Varian


Advertisement: Courrier des États-Unis, 11 February 1865.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 12 February 1865.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 12 February 1865.

Announcement: New York Clipper, 18 February 1865, 358.

Announcement: New York Post, 18 February 1865.

Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 21 February 1865.
“Camilla Urso’s first grand concert was given at Niblo’s Saloon last evening, before quite a large audience.  This talented and finished artist performed selections from De Beriot and Sainton, and a Preghiera of her own composition, her execution of which was replete with pathos and was received with warm demonstrations of applause.  Her playing throughout the evening was fully up to the standard of excellence we have claimed for her.  She was assisted by Madame Varian, who sang two arias and Gottschalk’s’ ‘Lullaby’ very charmingly; by Madlle. Teresa Carreno, the child pianist, and Signor Fellini.  The concert was a pleasant one and gave great satisfaction.”
Review: New York Post, 21 February 1865.
“A fair number of music lovers, including quite a proportion of our French citizens, encouraged the lady violinist, Camille Urso, by their presence . . . Urso played nobly, never having appeared here to better advantage; and she found efficient aid in the pianist, Teresa Carreno (who is budding from childhood into girlhood), in Madame Varian, who sang and dressed charmingly; and in Signor Fellini, whose baritone voice was heard in several operatic selections.”
Review: New York Herald, 21 February 1865, 4.
“The attendance was large and fashionable and the performance quite acceptable. Mlle. Urso is too well known in this community as a violinist of decided merit to require much comment on her playing last evening.”