Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Max Maretzek
Event Type:
Last Updated:
9 June 2015
Maretzek announces two more opera performances for 3/20 and 3/21, free for box and seat holders.
“Mr. Maretzek announces—and we are very glad to have to record the fact—that he will be able to retain the services of his artists for two additional nights, and we will therefore have an opera on Monday and Tuesday of next week. With a generosity which we hope the stockholders will gratefully appreciate, Maretzek politely informs them that for those two nights their boxes and seats are at their disposal, without any additional charge, although we need hardly say that this privilege is not ‘so written in the bond.’ It is a liberal but characteristic act on the part of Mr. Maretzek, who, we are bound to say, has been ever willing to accommodate the stockholders as well as to provide the most unselfishly for the pleasure of the public. We believe we are to be introduced to a debutante on Monday night, in the person of Mlle. Stella Bonheur, as Pierotto, in Linda—a young lady whose fine, fresh, contralto voice, careful study and graceful person give fair assurance of success, if we can judge from her excellent rehearsals of the part.”
“The three American young ladies who have devoted their energies to the lyric stage did themselves great credit last night before one of the most brilliant audiences of the operatic season. Miss Kellogg sang and acted, with her usual grace, the part of the Child of the Regiment. In the last act of ‘Rigoletto’ Mrs. Van Zandt sang well, taking the high note at the end of the quartet with good effect; and Miss Morensi took the little part of Maddalena with vivacity and vocal power. During the evening the audience also listened with satisfaction to the Germans Lotti and Weinlich, and to the Italians Susini, Bellini and Massimiliani, and the cosmopolitan entertainment of the evening closed amid hearty applause.”
Maretzek will give two additional opera performances next week, free of charge to the season’s subscribers. “This looks like a prosperous season, and while we congratulate the subscribers, we are heartily glad for Mr. Maretzek, whose industry, enterprise and talent are surely worthy of occasional reward.”
The Academy last night was crowded with one of the most fashionable audiences of the season. La Figlia del Reggimento was sung with Miss Kellogg, Susini and Lotti in the cast, and was very well received. The fourth act of Rigoletto completed the performance. Mrs. Van Zandt sang delightfully. Masimiliani seemed to labor under a little huskiness, but his Donna e Mobile was very fine. The quartette in this act was rendered splendidly by Massimiliani, Van Zandt, Morensi and Bellini, and was enthusiastically encored.”