Steinway Hall
Event Type:
Last Updated:
27 October 2021
“The first rehearsal of the operatic members of the programme for the Beethoven Festival occurs this afternoon at Steinway Hall. The rehearsals of the chorus are continued each night, and the advanced stage they have reached makes the occurrence of the opening concert of the Festival on Monday a certainty.”
“A rehearsal will take place at STEINWAY HALL, TO-DAY, at 2 o’clock. Please be punctual. In yesterday’s advertisement, a mistake occurred in advertising, the rehearsal for Saturday. Remember the rehearsal takes place to-day THURSDAY, and not SATURDAY as published.”
“The first rehearsal of the operatic portion of the great musical jubilee was called yesterday at Steinway Hall and was responded to by as brilliant an array of great artists as perhaps was ever assembled in that hall at one time. With a few exceptions all the artists announced in the papers were present—[lists performers]. Among the absentees were Mme. Parepa-Rosa and Mr. W. Castle, who were singing at the Springfield Festival; Mr. Theo. Habelman and Miss Canissa, who are singing at Chicago; Mrs. Caroline Richings-Bernard and her entire company, who have not yet reached New York. Miss McCulloch, Mr. Hermanns and Mrs. Howard Paul were also absent on various engagements. [Lists choruses present.] The chorus of the Richings Company were, of course, absent and several members of the German chorus who were misled by a mistake in the advertisement. When all these elements were brought into something like harmony, the proceedings were opened by the Miserere, from ‘Trovatore.’ The immense power and admirable precision of the united choruses were apparent from the first essay. With the adjuncts of grand orchestra and organ, as it will be given at the Coliseum, this beautiful and popular piece of operatic music will have a most telling effect. The most remarkable and novel feature was the finale to ‘Martha’ by the great combination of artists taking the solo parts. Each part of the quartet was splendidly sustained, and the ensemble of all the voices of so many first class artists will no doubt tell with the fine effect in the vast area of the Coliseum. The success of this piece was instantaneous among the musicians, journalists and dillettanti present. The smoothness and correctness of execution of the few pieces rehearsed give promise that all the numbers in the vast programmes will be performed with a perfection hardly expected even by the sanguine well-wishers of the festival. The next rehearsal is called for Saturday, when, in addition to the above artists, all the absentees will be present.”
“The first rehearsal of the principal operatic numbers to be interpreted at the Beethoven Musical Festival was held in Steinway Hall yesterday afternoon. [Lists vocalists who attended the rehearsal.] Mr. Maretzek was at the piano. The effect of the quintet and finale of ‘Martha’ was especially impressive, and can be taken as very fair evidence of the result the united exertions of so many gifted and experienced artists is likely to have…”
“There were yesterday at Steinway Hall two very interesting rehearsals of the music to be sung at the coming Centennial. In the afternoon the members of the operatic chorus and the leading soloists, including Kellogg, Gazzaniga, Brignoli, Lefranc and many others, were present, and took part in the ‘Miserere’ from ‘Trovatore’ and in a finale from ‘Martha.’ The effect of the united solo voices and of the well-cultivated chorus was superb, and gives every reason to anticipate at the Coliseum next week a musical treat of an extraordinary nature.”
“Yesterday a brilliant array of artists assembled in Steinway Hall for the first rehearsal of the operatic portion of the Great Musical Festival. Nearly all the great artists whose names had been advertised for days past were present, and all met on the neutral ground of Steinway Hall with what appeared to be the most earnest cordiality. Greek met Greek, Italian met Italian, and all wore smiles of mutual admiration and congratulation.” Lists notable performers and concludes: “Richings and company were not present, not having yet arrived in town and Parepa-Rosa, Castle, and others were away filling other engagements. The chorus mustered very strong, and included all nationalities.”