Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
05 Apr 1864, Evening
Performers and/or Works Performed
Announcement: New-York Times, 05 April 1864, 4.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 05 April 1864, 7.
Announcement: Courrier des États-Unis, 05 April 1864.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 05 April 1864.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 06 April 1864.
Review: New York Herald, 06 April 1864, 1.
“After twenty-seven performances of Faust, it has lost none of its attractions for the frequenters of the Academy. It was as warmly received last night as heretofore, and in all respects as well produced. It is unnecessary to say more than we have already written as to the merits of the opera or the excellent cast, which is the original one with the exception of Biachi, whose role of Mephistopheles was filled for the fifth time last night, and very admirably, by Mr. Hermanns. Mazzoleni sang the aria, Salve dimora, excellently. Miss Kellogg was warmly applauded throughout. The Soldiers’ Chorus received a merited encore. It was very finely rendered, the orchestration, under Maretzek’s direction, being perfect. Although the house was not as large as on the previous night, it was nonetheless respectably filled.”
Review: New York Post, 06 April 1864, 2.
“The opera must have found a strong counter-attraction in the Metropolitan Fair, for ‘Faust’ last night for the first time drew only a full, and not an overcrowded house. The opera was magnificently performed, Hermanns singing and acting the part of Mephistopheles better than ever, while Miss Kellogg, Sulzer, Mazzolini and Bellini were all admirable. The encores were frequent.”
Review: New-York Times, 06 April 1864, 4.
“On a ‘Faust’ night there is nothing to do except to repeat the stereotyped statements that the house was filled with an exceedingly brilliant audience, and that the performance went off well. The Sanitary Fair, so far, has not had its anticipated effect on the various places of amusement. Why should it? With our limited supply of theatres and unlimited population to go to them, it would be strange indeed if our meritorious and glorious undertaking were by its deserved popularity to work such dire mischief and confusion. This might happen in a small town, but it is barely possible in a city of New-York’s proportions. Indeed, it is more reasonable to expect that the Fair—by bringing many thousands to the Metropolis who might not otherwise visit it at this season—will in the end be of great advantage to all places of popular resort. No one will miss so favorable an opportunity of visiting the principal lyric establishment of the New World, especially at this moment, when the best operas only are being performed, and performed, too, by a company that has not been equaled for many years. With such houses as Mr. Maretzek has had for the past week, the season can be extended far into the merry and moving month of May.”