Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Max Maretzek
Event Type:
Last Updated:
29 August 2018
Brief. “Academy of Music.—There was a good house last night. The opera was Faust and was rendered as usual by the artists, Miss Kellogg being the heroine.”
Brief, as part of announcement for the performance on 04/01/64. “If the house be as full and the performance as admirable as at ‘Faust’ last night, all present will be delighted.”
“Faust still reigns supreme at the Academy of Music and draws larger houses than the older operas, which are so much more grand—so universally recognized as master pieces [sic]. The reason of this great popularity exists from the fact that Faust is a spectacular opera; that, besides its charming, attractive music, its legend is so well known, and that the mise en scene is brilliant—the nature of the work allowing a more than usual display in this respect. As given here the cast is very effective; thus all things combine to give reason to the public for the extraordinary favor they show Faust.
The performance last evening was very successful; Miss Kellogg acted and sang extremely well and received great applause. Mme. Sulzer received the usual encore in the flower song. Mazzoleni, Bellini, and Hermanns were also much applauded. The Soldiers’ chorus and the Beggars’ chorus, in the second act were sung with great spirit and ensemble and were encored.”