Academy of Music
Price: $.50
Event Type:
Band, Chamber (includes Solo)
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
1 July 2014
“[A] number of distinguished vocalists, male and female, will contribute to the evening’s entertainment.”
“The entertainment for the evening will comprise addresses, vocal and instrumental music.”
Includes a description of the ceremony and remarks made during the occasion. “Following these presentations came more musical and other exercises, including the reading of poems written by B. B. French, of Washington, and A. J. H. Duganne of this city, the singing of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ by Mme. Salvotti, also several vocal pieces by Mrs. Northrup and by Mr. J. R. Thomas, piano performances by Messrs. C. Jerome Hopkins and Eugene Trastour, and the exercises closed with the singing of a Masonic parting song, and the benediction by Grand Chaplain S. H. Weston, D. D.”