Event Information

Academy of Music

Carl Bergmann

Price: $1; .50 family circle; .25 amphitheatre

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 August 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

06 Jan 1864, Evening

Program Details

Opening Night of the Season.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 25 December 1863, 6.
Announcement: Courrier des États-Unis, 01 January 1864, 2.
The reopening of the season of German opera had to be postponed due to the grave indisposition of Antschütz.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 03 January 1864.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 03 January 1864, 7.

Announcement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 03 January 1864, 4.


“The re-opening of the German opera, planned for this day, had to be postponed a week, owing to the serious indisposition of the director. It has now been promised for next Wednesday, when Gounod’s ‘Faust’ will open the series. ‘Faust,’ in the German version as well as in the Italian version, has decidedly succeeded in becoming the opera of the season. On the next opera evening following ‘Faust’ will be Boieldieu’s ‘Lady in White,’ one of the sweetest, most charming, and simultaneously substantial comic operas ever written. The principal roles are in the hands of Mrs. Johannsen and Mr. Habelmann, a cast that guarantees the production’s success.
Apart from this opera, the second cycle includes German compositions seldom or never performed here: Richard Wagner’s ‘Tannhäuser,’ Spohr’s ‘Jessonda’ and Weber’s least-known opera, ‘Euryanthe.’ With the reduction of the entrance price, the entrepreneur has made attendance at the opera available to everyone. It is now up to the German public to do your part and not leave this enterprise in the lurch. It is dependent alone upon your support, since native-born Americans do not care much about German opera."
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 03 January 1864, 8.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 04 January 1864.

Announcement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 04 January 1864.
Carl Anschütz, who has not recovered from his illness yet, has announced that the season will commence next Wednesday with Faust, followed by Lady in White, Jessonda and Tannhäuser.
Announcement: New-York Times, 04 January 1864, 4.

“Mr. Carl Anschutz, we are sorry to say, has been laboring under a very severe attack of indisposition. He is now considered out of danger, and will commence operations (we suppose with the consent of Mr. Himmer, as that person’s name is in the cast,) on Wednesday next, the opera being ‘Faust.’ The Arion Society will assist in the fourth act.”

Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 05 January 1864, 6.
Announcement: New York Post, 05 January 1864, 2.
“The Academy of Music, it is now announced, will be opened on Wednesday evening for another German opera season, under the direction of Anschutz.  ‘Faust’ will be the first opera.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 05 January 1864.

Announcement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 06 January 1864.

Announcement: Courrier des États-Unis, 06 January 1864.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 January 1864, 7.

Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 07 January 1864.

“There was a splendid house last night at the Academy on the reopening of the German Company, with the opera of Faust.  We have nothing new to add to our former notice of its performance and reception.

Herr Hermans [sic], from her Majesty’s Theatre, London, a basso singer, will appear on Monday night next.

Faust will be repeated on Friday.”

Review: New York Herald, 07 January 1864, 5.

“Mr. Anschütz’s artists have resumed their season of German Opera, and with success. The Academy of Music was crowded last evening. The opera given was Faust, the now most popular and attractive entertainment Mr. Anschütz can offer to his patrons. We are assured, however, that novelties are to be produced by the German troupe. We are to have Wagner’s Tannhauser, which will draw one or two good houses, if only from the curiosity the public will feel about the 'music of the future.' We are also to have La Dame Blanche, and of course, Faust will be repeated.

The opera was well sung last night. Mme. Frederici was very successful as Marguerite. Her voice is pure and powerful, and she certainly sings and acts the rôle most pleasingly. She was much applauded.

Herr Himmer, as Faust, was satisfactory. We do not admire Herr Weinlich’s Mephistopheles. The choir and the instrumental music were admirable. The Arion Society sang the grand 'Soldier’s Chorus' in their usual most [illeg] manner and were encored amid a storm of applause. On the whole, the performance was very attractive and we hope the opera will be given again soon.”

Review: New-York Times, 07 January 1864, 4.

Academy of Music.—The performance of ‘Faust’ last evening by the German artists attracted another overflowing audience, proving once more that the non-production of this work at the commencement of the season was a grave and unfortunate blunder. However, it is never too late to mend. A few such houses as that of last night will place the enterprise on a firm footing.

In consequence of the continued indisposition of Mr. Anschutz, that gentleman’s place in the orchestra had to be taken by Mr. Bergmann. The bâton could hardly have passed into abler hands. The performance was in every respect excellent, and will be repeated on Friday next.”

Review: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 07 January 1864.

“Last night the German Opera gave Gounod’s Faust for a full house; it was good but not as good as the previous performances of the work.  The second half of the fourth act was left out to our surprise.  

In place of the unfortunately sick Herr Anschütz, Carl Bergmann led the orchestra with circumspection and concern.  The Arion Society performed the Fourth Act’s soldiers’ chorus with such sweeping effect that the audience demanded it be repeated."

Announcement: New York Clipper, 09 January 1864, 307.
“Anschutz will give his German friends one more trial at the Academy of Music, this week.  He promises to give his patrons good operas, at one dollar a ticket, and no extra charge for a seat.  Now, Dutchers, drop your beer gardens forever, and encourage art.”
Review: New-York Times, 11 January 1864, 4.

“The German Opera has enjoyed the comparative success of one good house out of two. On Wednesday the attendance was excellent, sufficient to encourage visions of a bright and prosperous future. These were dispelled on the following night, (Friday,) when the lieges, for reasons best known to themselves, were anything but loyal. ‘Faust’ was peformed on both occasions, and with a completeness of ensemble which could hardly be excelled. The fourth act of this work is represented with better effect by the Germans than by their predecessors, the Italians, owing perhaps to the coöperation of the Arion Society in the choruses, and the presence of a military band upon the stage. Germans, too, know how to make a show. Mr. Carl Bergmann has conducted the orchestra, and will, we presume, continue to do so for some time. Mr. Anschutz has been in a very critical condition, but is now slowly mending. It is hardly likely, however, that he will be able to resume the bâton for several weeks.”

Review: New York Clipper, 16 January 1864, 315.
“Anschutz’s German Opera Company tried another go at the Academy, last week, and were more successful than in their previous season.  They gave their patrons ‘Faust,’ at lower rates of admission than formerly, and the German element took to it pretty freely.”