Articles on the incorporation of the Musical Mutual Protective Union

Event Information


Record Information


Last Updated:
29 April 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

11 Mar 1864

Program Details

Incorporators included: Grafulla; Dodworth; Bergmann; Anschütz; Eisfeld; Muzio; Edward Mollenhauer; Schreiber. See citations for complete lists.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: New York Post, 11 March 1864.

“This is the rather unwieldy and somewhat inartistic title of an association intended to advance the interests of musicians, an act of incorporation being now before the state legistlature. The incorporators are: Henry D. Beisenherz, David L. Downing, John. G. Schneider, Francis Xavier Diller, Henry Gortelmeyer, Jacob Rebhun, George Schneider, Claudio S. Grafulla, David Graham, Ernst Grill, John Senia, George Gipner, Henry Wannermacher, David Schaad, Harvey B. Dodworth, Carl Bergmann, Carl Anschutz, George H. Wallace, Theodore Eisfeld, Emil Muzio, Thomas Baker, J.P. Cooke, Edward Mollenhauer and Louis Schreiber, who declared the object of the society to be ‘the cultivation of the art of music in all its branches, and the promotion of good feeling and friendly intercourse among the members of the profession, and the relief of such of their numbers, as shall be unfortunate, so far as their means will permit.’ The corporation will enjoy the usual privilege, of buying and holding property, of suing ‘and being sued,’ and of doing what they please with the income of their real and personal estate, provided it does not in any year exceed twenty-five thousand dollars.

The officers are to be a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, three trustees, and an executive committee of seven directors—all forming together a board of directors. Elections must be held annually in New York on the second Thursday in October. The corporation will have the priviledge of holding real estate in this city to the value of $300,000, for the purpose of erecting and occupying a concert hall, with suitable contingent buildings. The corporation will be allowed to borrow money and issue certificates of stock, and, indeed, enjoy all the priviledges and immunities of other legally chartered stock institutions.

The list of corporators, it will be seen, includes many of our more prominent musicians, and, if successful, the enterprise may result in the erection here of a Concert Hall worthy of the metropolis.”

Article: New-York Times, 13 March 1864, 3.

Very difficult to read. Lists all names to begin.

musical mutual protective union.

The object of the Union is delared [illeg…] branches, and relief of such members as shall be unfortunate [illeg…] the Union is empowered to hold property, the annual income of which shall not, however, exceed $25,000.

Sec. 4. Provides that they may hold real estate in the City of New-York to the value of not exceeding $300,000, for the sole purpose of erecting a building containing a hall suitable for concerts, public entertainments, &c., &c.

Sec. 5. Empowers them to [illeg.] bonds for the amount required to build, furnish, and repair their buildings, and to mortgage the same to procure the payment of those bonds.”

Article: Dwight's Journal of Music, 02 April 1864, 216.

“An Association called ‘The Musical Mutual Protective Union’ has been formed in New York, for the ‘cultivation of the art of music in all its branches and the promotion of good feeling and friendly intercourse among the members of the profession, and the relief of such of their members as shall be unfortunate, so far as their means will permit.’ It is also their intention to erect a Concert Hall worthy of the metropolis, and an act of Incorporation giving them the privilege of holding real estate to the value of $300,000, is now before the New York Legislature.” Lists incorporators.