Grau Italian Opera: Dinorah

Event Information

Academy of Music

Manager / Director:
Jacob Grau

Emanuele Muzio

Price: $1

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
17 July 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

06 Dec 1862, 1:00 PM

Program Details

Grau Italian Opera

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Dinorah; Pilgrimage of Ploërmel
Composer(s): Meyerbeer
Text Author: Barbier, Carré
Participants:  Grau Havana Opera Company;  Fanny Stockton (role: Second Goatherd);  Pasquale Brignoli (role: Corentin);  Augustino Susini (role: Hunter);  Federico Amodio (role: Höel);  Angiolina Cordier (role: Dinorah);  Catarina Morensi (role: First Goatherd)


Advertisement: Courrier des États-Unis, 02 December 1862.
“The performance will begin with a great symphonic overture and chorus. . . . The grand orchestra of 50 performers and the invisible chorus. The musical part of this opera has been arranged and rehearsed with care by Muzio.”
Announcement: New-York Times, 04 December 1862, 5.
Advertisement: Courrier des États-Unis, 05 December 1862.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 05 December 1862, 7.
Announcement: New-York Times, 05 December 1862, 5.
“The cast is the same as at the earlier performances of the work. . . . The artists being easy in their roles, it is only now that a good idea of Meyerbeer’s music can be obtained.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 05 December 1862, 7.
Advertisement: Courrier des États-Unis, 06 December 1862.

"The matinee today at the Academy of Music offers the public another chance, probably the last, to hear Mlle Cordier in the Pardon de Ploërmel."

Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 December 1862, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 06 December 1862.
“With the full cast.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 06 December 1862, 7.
“An Enlarged Chorus.”
Review: New York Herald, 08 December 1862, 2.

“’Dinorah’ was produced on the grand Saturday matinee to a full house. We confess that each time we hear this opera we like it more and more. The melody with which it abounds takes possession of us, and we find our enjoyment increases with each representation. That this is the effect produced upon the public is evinced from the crowded audiences whenever ‘Dinorah’ is announced. Mlle. Cordier is really a most effective representative of the crazed maiden.  She is arch and natural, sings with great sweetness, ease of execution and purity, and gains steadily in public estimation. We anxiously look forward to her appearance in some other role. Signor Muzio has trained his orchestra into admirable order as regards the great overture of ‘Dinorah.’ The ensemble is now perfect, and the music is given with all its force and wonderful effects. Its execution occasions great applause. The choruses are at times not as efficient as they should be, but this is a matter merely requiring stricter discipline.”